Bardanes Turkos

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Bardanes (also Bardanios ), nickname Turkos ("the Turk"; Middle Greek Βαρδάνης ὁ Τοῦρκος , as a monk Sabbas ; † after 803 on Proti ), was a Byzantine general of Armenian origin who was proclaimed in 803 as the opposing emperor .


The Patrikios , Senator and Strategos of the subject Anatolikon Bardanes was very likely already under Emperor Constantine VI. and then high state and military posts under Irene . In any case, Theophanes mentions a Patrikios and Domestikos or Comes of Scholai Bardanios for 797 and a Patrikios and Strategos of Thrakesion Bardanes for 799 , both of which are likely to be identical with Bardanes Turkos.

In July 803 an Abbasid army went on the offensive against Byzantine Anatolia . Bardanes gathered the troops of Asia Minor Issues in the area of Amorion , where the soldiers proclaimed him emperor between July 16 and 19; the subject of the Armeniakon refused allegiance to the usurper. Bardanes turned now with his army against Constantinople , but failed in the attempt to conquer Chrysopolis . On the mediation of a presbyter named Joseph, he surrendered to Emperor Nikephorus I after he and his followers had been guaranteed an amnesty . Bardanes was sheared to be a monk and banished with his family to a monastery on the prince island of Proti , his goods were confiscated . A short time later he was blinded , although it is unclear whether this was done on imperial orders. As a monk, Bardanes, now called Sabbas, is said to have subjected himself to extreme asceticism . The date of his death is unknown.

According to a legendary report, a monk is said to have prophesied the failure of his usurpation to Bardanes as well as the later coronation of his companions Leo , Michael and Thomas as emperors. Michael II's wife, Thekla, may have been his daughter.

