Bavor von Strakonitz

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Coat of arms of the Bawor von Strakonitz

The Bawor von Strakonitz (Czech Bavor ze Strakonic , also Bavorové ) were a Bohemian noble family. It went out in 1404.


The origins of the Bawor von Strakonitz go back to the twelfth century, for which they are documented by coats of arms. These were found during archaeological excavations near Strakonitz . Further coats of arms were also found in Lauf Castle and in Jindřichův Hradec Castle .

  • Bavarus de Strakonicz († 1167) had the Strakonice Castle built in the middle of the 12th century and was the state elder in Bohemia. He was probably the father of Dlugomil and Johannes .
  • Dlugomil de Strakonicz , was a royal Bohemian cupbearer and marshal. He was believed to be the father of Bavor I.
  • Bavor II. († 1313), a son of Bavor I, was the highest marshal . As a sign of solidarity, he married Agnes / Anežka, an illegitimate daughter of King Ottokar II. Přemysl . Acquired Blatná and Pořešín chateaux and founded Horažďovice . His three sons were Bavor III., Nikolaus and Wilhelm, who shared their father's property.
    • Nikolaus († 1318) received Blatná . He was the Grand Prior of the Johanniterkommende Strakonitz and is the father of Bavor IV.
    • Wilhelm († around 1358) initially received the Strakonitz goods. He was married to Margarethe von Sternberg . After the death of his brother Bavor III. he also inherited Bavorov and Horažďovice
  • Bavor IV , called Bašek von Blatná († around 1381) initially inherited the paternal rule of Blatná. After the death of his uncle Wilhelm, his property also fell to him. His sons were Břeněk and Jan.
  • Břeněk († 1404) inherited the goods of Bavors IV. He died without male heirs. Heirs of his property were the Lev von Rosental , as his brother Jan was lost as a traveling knight in a foreign country.

In the second half of the 14th century, the Bawor von Strakonitz lost their importance. At the beginning of the 15th century, the family died out with Břeněk's death. The Knights of the Order of St. John ruled in Strakonice , the castle and town of Blatná received distant relatives, the Lev von Rosental.

Individual evidence

  1. Anna Kubíková: Rožmberské kroniky ISBN 80-86829-10-3

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