Bernard Narokobi

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Bernard Narokobi (* 1937 in Wautogik ; † March 9, 2010 ) was a politician from Papua New Guinea .


After attending primary school at Dagua Catholic Mission , Brandi High School in Wewak and Kerevat Senior High School in East New Britain Province , he was one of the first Papua New Guineans to study abroad and graduated from the University of Sydney with a law degree from.

Shortly after his return, he became a permanent advisor to the National Parliament 's Planning Committee , headed by Michael Somare , and also took up a position as a lawyer and founded the law firm Narokobi Lawyers . After his sovereignty on September 16, 1975, he also worked as a journalist and wrote a weekly column for the Post-Courier newspaper , in which he praised a Melanesian way of life , which in his opinion should also include positive characteristics of Western ways of life. In addition, he was a staunch opponent of corruption , drunkenness and laziness.

In 1987 he was finally elected a member of the national parliament himself and represented the constituency of Wewak until 2002 . In July 1988, Prime Minister Rabbie Namaliu appointed him Minister of Justice in his government, of which he was a member until July 1992.

He was then from July 1992 to September 1994 Agriculture Minister in the government led by Prime Minister Paias Wingti . In 1995 he was one of the founders of the National Alliance Party along with Moi Avei , Bart Philemon and Masket Iangalio . Most recently he was the leader of the opposition in the national parliament between 1998 and his electoral defeat in 2002 . In the 2002 elections he was defeated by Kimson Kare.

He later served as High Commissioner in New Zealand until his death . In April 2009, The Guardian newspaper named him one of Papua New Guinea's "living national icons" alongside Michael Somare.

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