Bernard Stasi

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Bernard Stasi (* 4. July 1930 in Reims , Marne department , † 4. May 2011 in Paris ) was a French politician of the Union for French Democracy (UDF), who not only minister for overseas possessions, but also Ombudsman of the Republic was .


MP, Mayor and Minister

Stasi, son of Italian immigrants , initially worked in the public service and in the 1950s worked on the staff of the Prefect of Algiers and later in the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry for the Overseas Departments .

In July 1968 he was elected to the National Assembly for the first time as a candidate for the Center des démocrates sociaux (CDS) and was a member of the National Assembly as a representative of the Marne IV constituency until April 1973. He was also Mayor of Épernay between 1970 and 1977 .

On April 2, 1973, Prime Minister Pierre Messmer appointed him Minister for the Overseas Departments and Overseas Territories ( Ministre des Départements et Territoires d'outre-mer ). This office, which Messmer previously held himself, he held until his replacement by Bernard Pons on February 27, 1974.

In April 1978 he was re-elected as a member of the National Assembly in the constituency of Marne IV , in which he represented the UDF until April 1986, which the CDS had joined. During this time he was also Vice-President of the National Assembly from 1978 to 1983, before he was again Mayor of Épernay between 1983 and 2000.

In addition, he was also President of the Regional Council of the Champagne-Ardenne region from 1981 to July 1988 , where he was one of the regional councils elected directly in 1986. Between April 1986 and April 1993 he was a member of the National Assembly for the constituency of Marne VI .

MEP and Ombudsman

After leaving the National Assembly, the Stasi ran for the European Parliament and was a member of it during the fourth electoral period between July 1994 and April 1998.

Subsequently, in April 1998, he was appointed to succeed Jacques Pelletier as the Ombudsman ( Médiateur de la République ), an independent administrative body of ombudsman established by a law of January 3, 1973 to improve relations between citizens and the administration. From July 19, 1999 he worked with Paul Joachim von Stülpnagel , Georg Reisch and Moustapha Niasse (Francophonie) as a mediator at a Mission de facilitation politique au Togo in Lomé .

In this role, he also paid tribute to the book Escadrons de la mort, l'école française by Marie-Monique Robin , which dealt with the relationships between the French secret services , the Argentine secret service and the Chilean secret police Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional .

The Stasi held the post of Médiateurs for six years until he was replaced by Jean-Paul Delevoye in 2004 and expressed his convictions on the importance of this post and, in particular, on secularism in 2003 in the so-called Stasi Report .

Stasi, who died as a result of his many years of Alzheimer's disease , was not only a staunch opponent of the right-wing extremist Front National , but also an honorary member of the Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA), an international non-governmental organization that campaigns against Has prescribed racism and anti-Semitism .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. French Ministries (
  2. ^ French Regions (
  3. Renate Helm: Political Rule in Togo: The Problem of Democratization , 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7785-X , p. 184.