Bernhard Andreas von Heim

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Bernhard Andreas von Heim (University of Moscow, Rector's Gallery)

Bernhard Andreas von Heim , also Johann Andreas von Heim , ( Russian Бернгард Андреас Гейм, Иван Андреевич Гейм ; * 1759 in Braunschweig ; † 16 October jul. / 28 October  1821 greg. In Moscow ) was a German - Russian polymath and rector the Moscow University (MGU).


Heim's father was the court doctor of Duke Carl I of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel . Heim studied at the universities of Helmstedt and Göttingen . In 1779 he went to Russia at the invitation of the landlord Adrian Adrianowitsch Lopuchin to raise his son as a tutor .

In 1781 Heim became a lecturer at the chair for German language and classical antiquities at the MGU. In 1784 he became an associate professor and, as inspector, head of the MGU's noble pension , where he taught history and geography . One of his students was Alexei Petrovich Yermolov . In 1786 he became a full professor at the chair for general history, statistics and geography at the MGU. He created a Russian Language Teaching for Germans (1789) and a Russian- French -German dictionary (1799–1802), which saw many new editions. The dictionary was even reprinted in Calcutta . On the instructions of Empress Maria Feodorovna Heim became inspector of the new institute for noble girls of the Order of Saint Catherine , which he also opened.

As one of the first statisticians in Russia, Heim prepared a detailed topographical and statistical description of the Russian state with over 1000 pages, which appeared in Göttingen in 1789 and attracted the attention of Empress Catherine II . From 1804 Heim headed the newly opened chair for history, statistics and geography of the Russian Empire of the MGU in accordance with the new university statute. One of his students was the Decembrist Nikolai Ivanovich Turgenev . Heim also gave a statistics lecture at the Moscow Military Column Leader School. He stayed in contact with the scientists in Germany . He corresponded with Christian Gottlob Heyne and August Ludwig von Schlözer and arranged for Russian students to study in Göttingen. From 1811–1812 he published the Moskowische Zeitung , which was one of the first newspapers for the German community in Moscow.

In 1805 home was elected the first dean of the new faculty for the history of literature (until 1808 and 1819-1820). In 1808 he was elected rector of the MGU as the successor to Fyodor Grigoryevich Baus . Heim's proximity to the curator Count Alexei Kirillowitsch Razumovsky , at whose country estate Heim had edited the catalog of Razumovsky's personal library, was beneficial . In 1809, at Razumovsky's suggestion, Heim's term of office was extended from one to three years, which was the model for a three-year term of office for the rectors of Russian universities.

During the Franco-Russian War of 1812 , Heim took on the difficult task of evacuating the MGU from Moscow . The nonsensical instructions of the curator Pavel Ivanovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov and the lack of support from the Moscow Governor General Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostoptschin caused particular difficulties . After all, after the removal of the MGU's most valuable collections and equipment, he managed to procure horses so that he could leave Moscow with the professors and students 10 hours before the Grande Armée moved in . After 18 days without money or supplies, the MGU trek reached Nizhny Novgorod , where they were able to find accommodation in the government high school. Immediately after the Grande Armée withdrew, Heim sent MGU candidate Tit Alexejewitsch Kamenetski to Moscow to deal with the current problems. At the end of 1812 Heim himself headed the interim commission for the regulation of university affairs and did not spare the strength for the restoration of the university. When he found out that his personal library had been saved from the fire , he handed it over to the university, where it was the basis for a new collection of books.

Thanks to Heim's efforts, the MGU was able to resume studies in August 1813. Heim attached great importance to the establishment of new university museums and the library with the addition of a university archive . In September 1814 he was elected librarian of the MGU. He ran the library and introduced a modern catalog system. In 1819 Heim gave up the office of rector for health reasons, but continued to teach. His successor as rector of the MGU was Anton Antonowitsch Prokopowitsch-Antonsky .

Heim was buried in Moscow's Vvedenskoye Cemetery. The gravestone erected with the help of his students received the German inscription Dem Wohlthäter und Lehrer from grateful students .

In the novel by Kwest Boris Akunin , Heim appears as Iwan Andrejewitsch Golm.


Works (selection)

  • Географическая таблица Европы . Moscow 1787.
  • Attempt of a complete geographic-topographical encyclopedia of the Russian Empire according to alphabetical order . Goettingen 1789.
  • Russian language teaching for Germans . Riga 1794.
  • German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary. First German-Russian part . Riga 1795.
  • Attempt of a complete geographic-topographical encyclopedia of the Russian Empire according to alphabetical order . Moscow 1799.
  • Russian reader, or a selection of prosaic and poetic essays from the best Russian writers. Livre de lecture russian . Riga 1805.
  • German-Russian-French pocket dictionary . Riga, Leipzig 1805.
  • Статистика соединенных Великобританского и Ирландского королевств . Опыт новой издаваемой статистики . Moscow 1811.
  • Первоначальные основания новейшего всеобщего землеописания . Moscow 1813.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Андреев А. Ю., Цыганков Д. А .: Императорский Московский университет: 1755–1917: энциклопедический словарь . Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН), Moscow 2010, ISBN 978-5-8243-1429-8 , p. 145-147, 237 .
  2. a b c d e f Гейм, Иван Андреевич . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 4 , 1914, pp. 350–352 ( Wikisource [accessed November 1, 2018]).
  3. Гейм (Иван Андреевич) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape VIII , 1892, p. 254 ( Wikisource [accessed November 1, 2018]).
  4. a b c d e f Андреев Ю. А .: Гейм Иван Андреевич (from Heim Bernhard Andreas) (accessed on November 1, 2018).
  5. MGU: Гейм Иван Андреевич (Бернгард Андреас) (accessed November 1, 2018).