Theodor Grigoryevich Bause

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Theodor Grigorjewitsch bause ( Russian Фёдор Григорьевич Баузе * 11. July 1752 in Triptis , † May 25. . Jul / 6. June  1812 greg. In Moscow ) was a German - Russian jurist and rector of Moscow University .


Bause, son of the pastor in Triptis, attended the Thomas School in Leipzig and then studied at the law faculty of the University of Leipzig (1769–1773). In the autumn of 1773 he went to Russia , where he took a position as tutor in the house of the merchant Krug. In the summer of 1775 he got a job as a teacher at the Petri School in St. Petersburg , where he taught geography , history and Latin and after some time became the school's inspector. In 1780 he stayed in Germany to expand his pedagogical knowledge. Upon his return he was elected Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . In April 1781 he became a member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Free Economic Society .

In the fall of 1782 bause was invited by the University of Moscow, to Moscow to come and there, the professor of law to take over. On the name day of Empress Catherine II , November 25th July / 6 December  1782 greg. , he gave his inaugural Latin lecture entitled Oratio de jurisprudentia ejusque docendae et discendae ratione professionis juridicae . He became a member of the Brotherly Scholarly Society and the Moscow Masonic Lodge To the Three Banners . In 1783, for unclear reasons, Bause had to leave Moscow University and went to Germany. In 1786 he returned to his old position at Moscow University. From 1787 he taught encyclopedia and history at the philosophical faculty and gave a lecture on methods of science and the arts . The following year he lectured in law school on legal encyclopedia. From 1791 he taught Roman law . In 1792 he married the pharmacist's widow Kalkau, whose son Abram Jakowlewitsch Kalkau became a professor of medicine at the University of Kharkov . Bause widowed and then married one of the daughters of the Hungarian medical professor Franz Franzewitsch Keresturi .

After 1800, Bause also taught Russian literary history , the history of diplomacy, and the history of numismatics . 1803 until the introduction of the new university statutes, he was the first dean of the law faculty. In addition, he was director of the Pedagogical Institute at Moscow University and gave a lecture on the rules of pedagogy and didactics . In 1805 he was elected dean of the moral and political department of Moscow University. In 1807, Bause succeeded Pyotr Ivanovich Strachow as rector of Moscow University with a one-year term. Baus' successor was Bernhard Andreas von Heim .

Since his arrival in Russia, Bause has been collecting old manuscripts and books. The archaeologist and philologist Konstantin Fjodorowitsch Kalaidowitsch called Baus's collection, which was created over three decades, unique. The collection contained 395 manuscripts and 65 printed books. One of the manuscripts was the instructions compiled by Simeon Polotski and Karion Istomin for the Tsarevich Alexei Mikhailovich . Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamsin worked with Baus' collection of manuscripts . The Moscow Society for History and Antiquities did not buy the collection for 10,000 rubles for unknown reasons. The collection was burned in the fire of Moscow (1812) .

Together with the Moscow professors Anton Antonowitsch Prokopowitsch-Antonsky and Pyotr Ivanovich Strachow, Bause was a member of the commission formed in 1802 to examine and amend the statutes of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the University of Moscow. He was also a member of the main school administration, an honorary member of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (since 1805) and an honorary member of the University of Kharkov (since 1809). In 1811, Bause was honored to retire with a full pension.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gabriela Lehmann-Carli, Silke Brohm, Hilmar Preuss: Göttingen and Moscow scholars and publicists in the field of tension between Russian history, reform impulses of the Enlightenment and Petersburg cultural policy . Frank & Timme, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-86596-166-2 , pp. 94 .
  2. a b c d e Баузе, Феодор Григорьевич . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 2 , 1900, p. 594-595 ( Wikisource [accessed November 2, 2018]).
  3. Баузе (Федор Григорьевич) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape III , 1891, p. 200 ( Wikisource [accessed November 2, 2018]).
  4. a b c d Фонд знаний "Ломоносов": Баузе Федор (Theodor) Григорьевич (accessed on November 2, 2018).
  5. MGU: Баузе Фёдор Григорьевич (accessed November 2, 2018).
  6. Серков А.И .: Русское масонство. 1731-2000 гг. Энциклопедический словарь . Российская политическая энциклопедия, Moscow 2001, ISBN 5-8243-0240-5 .
  7. В. Н. Каразин: Каталог славяно-российским рукописям (погибшим в 1812 году) профессора Баузе . In: Чтениях Общества истории и древностей российских при Московском университете. Кн. 2. Отд. 5 . Университетская типография, Moscow 1862.