Bernhard Waibel

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Bernhard Waibel , also Weibel or Waibl , (born April 7, 1617 in Konstanz , † April 19, 1699 in Salzburg ) was a German Benedictine priest and university professor .


Waibel studied before joining the Einsiedeln Monastery theology . On 6 January 1638 he made his profession, was born on March 19, 1639 sub-deacon and on December 17th, 1639 Deacon . He was ordained a priest in 1641. He was transferred to Lyon with three confreres on July 7, 1641 . After his confreres died there, he went on a long journey through France in 1643 . On April 24, 1649 he became apostolic protonotary and during this time also novice master and professor of theology, on July 3, 1649 confessor of the women's monastery in Au . In 1650 he became President of the Rosary Brotherhood in Einsiedeln.

Waibel became pastor of Einsiedeln in December 1653, philosophy professor in 1655 and novice master again. On October 22, 1657 he received the professorship for speculative theology and exegesis at the University of Salzburg, and on January 8, 1658 the master's degree in theology. There he was appointed prince-archbishop clerical council and imperial notary. He was rector of the Konvikt at the St. Peter Abbey and from 1665 to 1667 procurator of the university. In addition, he temporarily held the office of dean at the theological faculty . In 1667 he was called back to Einsiedeln and held various offices there. He was a visitor to the monastery on the Au, subprior of the monastery in Einsiedeln and consiliarus at the monastery.

Waibel came to Maria Plain as rector in 1671 . There he was given the task of preparing young teachers for their work at the University of Salzburg. From there he began to work as an extraordinary confessor for the Nonnberg monastery . In 1681 he became a full confessor from Nonnberg. The prince-archbishop of Salzburg and the abbess opposed his recall to Einsiedeln.

Works (selection)

  • Selectarum difficultatum Disputatio theologica de jure et justitia. Meyer, Salzburg 1660.
  • Theses theologicae de Augustissimo Missae Sacrificio, quas in Alma et Archiepiscopali Universitate Salisburgensi ex praelectionibus Adm. Rdi et Clarissimi P. Bernardi Weibel, Illmi et Exempti Monrii BV Einsidlensis in Helvetia, Ord. S. Benedicti Monachi, SS. Theol. Doctoris et Professoris ordinarii, Celsmi et Rev. mi Principis et Archiepiscopi Salisburgensis etc. Consiliarii - Collegit et ad disputandum publice proposuit RRP Coelestinus Turner, ejusdem Ordinis, in Imperiali Monrio SS. Udalrici et Afrae Augustae Professus, SS. Theol. et SS. Canonum Studiosus , Meyer, Salzburg 1662.
  • De natura Theologiae et de existentia et essentia Dei. 12 , 1664.
  • Disputatio de jurisdictione poenitentiali , 1669.
  • Miracula Sti Patris Benedicti cum apologia et defensione numismatum et crucis Sti Benedicti , 1675.


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