Berta Schulz

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Berta Schulz

Berta Schulz (born Rücker; * May 7, 1878 in Wetter (Ruhr) ; † December 21, 1950 in Berlebeck near Detmold ) was a social democratic politician.


Schulz attended elementary school and then worked as a laundry worker and tiller. She married in 1898 and was then a housewife. She lived in Witten and since 1920 in Herne . In 1906 Schulz joined the SPD and was active in the social democratic women's movement. From 1910 to 1933 she was chairwoman of the social democratic women in the Bochum sub-district .

Between 1919 and 1920 she was a member of the city council in Witten and from 1924 to 1932 in Herne. In addition, Schulz was active in various committees and organizations such as the poor and school deputation and various welfare commissions. Among other things, she was chairwoman of the workers' welfare in Herne and in the Bochum subdistrict from 1920 to 1933 . In the SPD, she was a member of the central SPD party committee and the district commission for the constituency of Arnsberg and after the renaming of Westphalia-South from 1919 to 1933.

In the election to the National Assembly in 1919, Schulz was not yet elected. As a successor, she became a member of the Reichstag in 1920 and since the Reichstag election in 1920 she was a member of the Reichstag with a brief interruption from 1924 to 1933 .

Immediately after the start of National Socialist rule , Schulz moved to Berlebeck near Detmold.


  • Martin Schumacher (Hrsg.): MdR The Reichstag members of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation, 1933–1945. A biographical documentation . 3rd, considerably expanded and revised edition. Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-5183-1 .
  • Bernd Faulenbach , Stefan Goch , Günther Högl, Karsten Rudolph , Uwe Schledorn: Social democracy in transition: the district of Western Westphalia 1893-2001 . 4th edition. Essen: Klartext, 2001 ISBN 3-89861-062-4 , p. 97.
  • Karin Jaspers / Wilfried Reinighaus: Westphalian-Lippian candidates in the January elections in 1919. A biographical documentation , Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia - New Series; 52), ISBN 9783402151365 , p. 176

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