District representative election in Vienna 2001

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District council election 2001
(+ 7.97  % p )
(-7.33  % p )
(-0.34  % p )
(+ 4.75  % p )
(-3.98  % p )
(-1.07  % p )


The district representative election in Vienna 2001 was carried out on March 25, 2001 and held together with the 2001 state and municipal council elections. In the elections, the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) was able to achieve strong gains after the massive losses in the 1996 district council election, increasing by 8.0% to 45.7%. The SPÖ was able to maintain its relative majority in sixteen districts, which, as before, secured the right to 16 district heads. The SPÖ lost the district head of Neubau , but the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) was able to take the district head in Mariahilflose weight. In the remaining seven districts, the SPÖ took second place and thus the right to the district chairman's deputy. As a result, the SPÖ continued to provide the district chief in 16 districts and obtained a deputy district chief in the six of the seven remaining districts, where it had become the second largest party.

The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), on the other hand, lost 7.3% after participating in the federal government and only achieved 19.1%. With this, the FPÖ lost second place in the inner city and in the Landstrasse was able to hold second place in thirteen other districts and the right to be deputy district chairman. The ÖVP remained almost unchanged and with a minus of 0.3% achieved a share of the vote of 17.6%. The ÖVP became the strongest party in five districts, but lost the district chairman to the SPÖ in Mariahilf. For this, the ÖVP was able to remove the deputy district chairman from the FPÖ in the inner city and in the Landstrasse district. The Greens Vienna (GRÜNE) achieved a relative majority in a district for the first time in the Neubau district and thus won the district head for the first time in a district.

In addition to the SPÖ, FPÖ, ÖVP and Greens, the Liberal Forum (LIF) was also able to move into all district representations. Due to the high losses, however, the LIF lost a large part of its district council mandates. Of the other candidate lists, only the Pro Hetzendorf list in the Meidling district received a mandate.

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