Bibliotheca dissidentium

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Bibliotheca dissidentium ( Répertoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dix-septième siècles ) is a series of books founded by André Séguenny and published by Martin Rothkegel at the Valentin Koerner publishing house, which deals with religious non-conformists of the 16th and 17th centuries.

The book series is one of the results of the research group GRENEP (Groupe de recherches sur les non-conformismes religieux des XVIe et XVIIe siècles et l'histoire des protestantismes) founded by Marc Lienhard in 1975 at the University of Strasbourg . The book series deals with the life and work of religious outsiders of the Reformation period , including Anabaptists , spiritualists , sacramentarians , Unitarians and anti-Trinitarians . The volumes, which have been published since 1980, contain biographies and bibliographies of heretics and exponents of the Radical Reformation , who are often difficult to classify and cannot always be assigned to one of the known Reformation groups.

In the volumes published so far, more than 80 people and groups from various European countries are presented. In addition to the biographies of the individual religious nonconformists, the history of their impact as well as the history of reception and research are presented.

In addition to the biobiliographical series, further works appear under the series title Scripta et Studia , which also deal with the phenomenon of religious deviance in the early modern period .

The Bibliotheca dissidentium is part of a larger series that appears under the name Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana .

Volumes of the Bibliotheca dissidentium

List of the volumes published by Valentin Koerner in Baden-Baden since 1980

  1. Johannes Campanus , Christian Entfelder , par André Séguenny. Justus Velsius , par Philippe Denis. Catherine Zell-Schütz , par Marc Lienhard. 1980. ISBN 978-3-87320-079-1
  2. Martin Borrhaus (Cellarius) , by Irena Backus. 1981. ISBN 978-3-87320-088-3
  3. Johannes Bünderlin , by Ulrich Gäbler . Wolfgang Schultheiss , by Werner Bellardi. Theobald Thamer , by Irena Backus. 1982. ISBN 978-3-87320-093-7
  4. Jacques de Bourgogne , seigneur de Falais , par Philippe Denis. Étienne Dolet , by Claude Longeon. Casiodoro de Reina , by A. Gordon Kinder. Camillo Renato , di Simona Calvani. 1984. ISBN 978-3-87320-095-1
  5. Pierre Poiret , par Marjolaine Chevallier. 1985. ISBN 978-3-87320-096-8
  6. Valentin Crautwald , by Peter C. Erb. Andreas Fischer , Jan Kalenec , by Waclaw Urban. Sigmund Salminger , by Irena Backus. 1985. ISBN 978-3-87320-100-2
  7. Éloy Pruystinck , by Émile Braekman. Sebastian Franck , by Christoph Dejung. Antonio del Corro , by A. Gordon Kinder. 1986. ISBN 978-3-87320-106-4
  8. Daniel Bielinski , Stanislaw Budzinski , Stanislaw Taszycki , par Waclaw Urban. Wojciech Calissius , par Henryk Gmiterek. Piotr Gonesius , Marcin Krowicki , Andrzej Wojdowski , par Zdzislaw Pietrzyk. 1987. ISBN 978-3-87320-109-5
  9. Oswald Glaidt , by Daniel Liechty. Simone Simoni , di Claudio Madonia. Juan de Valdés , by A. Gordon Kinder. 1988. ISBN 978-3-87320-113-2
  10. Michael Servetus , by A. Gordon Kinder. 1989. ISBN 978-3-87320-116-3
  11. The Heidelberg Antitrinitarians: Johann Sylvan , Adam Neuser , Matthias Vehe , Jacob Suter , Johann Hasler , by Christopher J. Burchill. 1989. ISBN 978-3-87320-120-0
  12. Hungarian anti-Trinitarians: István Basilius , by Mihály Balázs. Tamás Arany , by János Hetali. István Császmai , by János Herner. Lukács Egri , by András Szabó. Elias Gczmidele , by Antal Pirnát. 1990. ISBN 978-3-87320-121-7
  13. Antitrinitaires polonais II: Szymon Budny , par Zdzislaw Pietrzyk. Pierre Statorius , par Jacek Wijaczka. Christian Francken , par Adam Matuszewski. 1991. ISBN 978-3-87320-129-3
  14. Antitrinitaires polonais III: Marcin Czechowic , Jan Niemojewski , Christoph Ostorodt , par Henryk Gmiterek. 1992. ISBN 978-3-87320-131-6
  15. Hungarian Antitrinitarians II: György Enyedi , by János KÁLDOS, with the assistance of Mihály Balázs. 1993. ISBN 978-3-87320-137-8
  16. Alumbrados of the Kingdom of Toledo, Jacobus Acontius , by A. Gordon Kinder. Marcello Squarcialupi , di Claudio Madonia. 1994. ISBN 978-3-87320-144-6
  17. Jacob Kautz , par Frank Muller. Pilgram Marpeck , Hans Schlaffer , Leonhard Schiemer , by Stephen Boyd. I995. ISBN 978-3-87320-146-0
  18. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski (Modrevius) , par André Séguenny & Waclaw Urban. 1997. ISBN 978-3-87320-151-4
  19. Dissidents russes I: Feodosij Kosoj , par Mikhail V. Dmitriev. 1998. ISBN 978-3-87320-159-0
  20. Dissidents russes II: Matvej Baskin , le starec Artemij , par Mikhail V. Dmitiev. 1999. ISBN 978-3-87320-169-9
  21. Artistes dissidents dans l'Allemagne du seizième siecle: Lautensack , Vogtherr , Weiditz , par Frank Muller. 2001. ISBN 978-3-87320-184-2
  22. The Family of love I: Hendrik Niclaes , by Alastair Hamilton. 2003. ISBN 978-3-87320-191-0
  23. Hungarian Anti-Trinitarians III: Demeter Hunyadi , by Annamária Poszár. Pál Karádi , by Éva Haas. Maté Toroczkai , by Mihály Balázs. György Válaszúti , by Katalin Németh. János Várfalvi Kósa , by Gizella Keserü. Editor: Mihály Balázs. 2004. ISBN 978-3-87320-704-2
  24. Moravian sacramentists of the second quarter of the 16th century: Matej Poustevník , Beneš Optát , Johann Zeising (Jan Cízek), Jan Dubcanský ze Zdenína and the Habrovaner (Lulcer) brothers . By Martin Rothkegel . 2005. ISBN 978-3-87320-708-0
  25. John Bidle , by A. Gordon Kinder. Francesco Negri , di Luca Ragazzini. Katarzyna Malcherowa , from Waclaw Urban. Stanislaw Paklepka , by Zdzislaw Pietrzyk. 2006. ISBN 978-3-87320-711-0
  26. Hungarian Antitrinitarians IV: Ferenc Dávid by Mihály Balázs. 2008. ISBN 978-3-87320-722-6
  27. Gerhard Westerburg , by Russell Woodbridge, Valentin Ickelshamer by Sigrid Looss, Gabriel Ascherham by Martin Rothkegel. 2010. ISBN 978-3-87320-730-1
  28. Thomas Müntzer Bibliography (1519–2012). By Marion Dammaschke and Günter Vogler. 2013. ISBN 978-3-87320-733-2
  29. The Family of Love II: Hiël (Hendrik Jansen van Barrefelt), by Alastair Hamilton. And addenda to The Family of Love I: Hendrik Niclaes (Bibliotheca Dissidentium XXII). 2013. ISBN 978-3-87320-735-6
  30. Clemens Ziegler sur la base des matériaux réunis par Rodolphe Peter, Christoph Freisleben and Leonhard Freisleben by Martin Rothkegel, Leonard Busher by William Backney. 2016. ISBN 978-3-87320-743-1

Volumes of the Scripta et Studia

  1. Marc Lienhard (ed.): Les dissidents du XVIe siècle entre l'Humanisme et le Catholicisme. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg (February 1982). 1983. ISBN 978-3-87320-881-0
  2. Waclaw Urban: Anti-Trinitarianism in the Bohemian Lands and Slovakia in the 16th and 17th Centuries. 1986. ISBN 978-3-87320-882-7
  3. Jean-Georges Rott, Simon Verheus (eds.): Anabaptistes et dissidents au XVIe siècle. 16th Century Anabaptism and Radical Reformation. Anabaptism and the Radical Reformation in the 16th Century. Actes du Colloque international d'histoire anabaptiste du XVIe siècle tenu à l'occasion de la XIe Conference Mennonite mondiale à Strasbourg (June 1984) . 1987. ISBN 978-3-87320-883-4
  4. Douglas H. Shantz: Crautwald and Erasmus . Study in Humanism and Radical Reform in Sixteenth Century Silesia. 1992. ISBN 978-3-87320-884-1
  5. Michael Screech: Rabelais and the Challenge of the Gospel. Evangelism - Reformation - Dissent. 1992. ISBN 978-3-87320-885-8
  6. R. Emmet McLaughlin: The Freedom of the Spirit, Social Privilege, and Religious Dissent. Caspar Schwenckfeld and the Schwenkfelders. 1996. ISBN 978-3-87320-886-5
  7. Mihaly Balázs: Early Transylvanian Antitrinitarianism (1566-1571). From Servet to Paleologus . 1996. ISBN 978-3-87320-887-2
  8. André Séguienny: Les Spirituels. Philosophy et religion chez les jeunes humanistes allemands au seizième siècle. 2000. ISBN 978-3-87320-878-0

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on the website of the Faculté de Théologie Protestante Strasbourg , accessed on December 2, 2017.
  2. See directory at Koernerverlag, viewed on August 26, 2011