Jan Dubčanský from Zdenín

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Jan Dubčanský von Zdenín , Czech Jan Dubčanský ze Zdenína (* before 1490; † probably in mid-1543) was a Moravian nobleman and reformer. He was the founder of the Zwinglian religious community of the Habrowan Brothers and author of the first book printed in Czech in Moravia.

Origin and family

Dubčanský was the eldest son of Jan called Plsak von Zdenín ( Jan zvaný Plzák ze Zdenína ), who immigrated to Moravia from the Prachin district in Bohemia around 1480, where he acquired the villages of Dubčany , Vilémov , Hradečná and Mirotín and used the Dubčanský title from 1481 . His mother was Anna von Schwabenitz . The three sons Jan, Vilém and Hynek resulted from the marriage. His family relationship with Johanka von Zdenín, who can be traced back to Milešovice in 1531, is not certain ; it may be his sister.

Jan Dubčanský married Salomena Syrovátka von Lhota around 1512 and thereby acquired the Habrovany estate . The sons Jan, Vilém and Bedřich were born from the marriage.


Dubčanský and his wife soon distinguished themselves as ardent opponents of Catholicism. In 1518 the first differences between Jan Dubčanský and the clergy began when he refused the tithe of the Habrovany court to the pastor in Königsfeld Waschan . Finally he sued the royal court against the Kartause Königsfeld near Brno and questioned their rights. In 1520 Dubčanský asked the Vashan pastor to present the epistle and the Gospel in Czech and finally appointed another utraquist pastor in Vashan. In 1521 he acquired the Chrudichromy farm as a pledge.

In 1522 his father bought the desert castle Liltsch with the villages Liltsch and Nemojany , part of Tučapy and the church patronage of Liltsch from Heinrich von Lichtenburg together with Vilém von Víckov, the informant of Vít von Kralice .

Around 1523 Dubčanský curtailed the privileges of the Carthusians in the Habrovany rule by having a new church built. In 1524 Salomena von Lhota sued the prior of the Königsfeld Charterhouse and again challenged him for the parish in Vashan. Between 1525 and 1527 his father Jan Plsak von Zdenín died and the inheritance fell to Jan Dubčanský. During the tenure of the choleric pastor Bartoloměj, who had been working in Vashan since 1524, the dispute with the Dubčanskýs escalated. In 1528 an arsonist's torture revealed that the pastor had hired the servant with 50 guilders to burn down Habrovany and shoot Dubčanský. Bishop Stanislaus Thurzo brought charges against Dubčanský for encroaching on the canon law of the episcopal court through the arrest and torture of the pastor . The pastor was burned to death after another confession before the episcopal court in Olomouc. In 1530 Dubčanský sold Chrudichromy to Jan Hejtmán from Mladkov.

In 1540 Jan Dubčanský compared himself with the Vashan pastor because of the disputed church tithe. He last appeared on April 27, 1543 when Bohunka von Pernstein filed a lawsuit against Zdenko Brtnický von Waldstein . It is likely that Dubčanský was no longer alive when the negotiations began. His inheritance fell to his brother Vilém and after his death Jan Dubčanský's son of the same name, who expanded his property to include the Hohlenstein rule in 1550 .

Habrowan brothers

After Ulrich Zwingli's teaching found its way into Bohemia and Moravia, Dubčanský was intensely concerned with founding a new religious community based on ideas of an ideal church. He also showed a strong interest in the ideas of the radical Reformation Anabaptist movement . In 1527 he published the text Listové Pana Jana Dubčanského Bratřím Boleslavským poslaní a také jich odpovědi zase psané in Prostějov with Kaspar Aorgus , which was also the first book published in the Czech language in Moravia. On February 23, 1528, a new religious community, strongly influenced by Zwingli, was founded in Roudka , headed by the preacher Matěj zvaný Poustevník ( Matthias, called the hermit ), Jan Dubčanský, Beneš Optát, Johann Zeising ( Jan Čížek ), who was elected bishop. and Václav von Luleč stood. The community referred to itself as bratři habrovanští ( Habrowaner brothers , Habrowanites ) or bratři lulečtí ( Lultscher brothers ). An alliance with the Bohemian Brethren was strictly rejected by their Bishop Lukas of Prague . After his death, Matthias the Hermit, who was considered a fanatic, transferred the office of Bishop of the Habrowan Brothers to Dubčanský, who in December 1528 resumed negotiations with the successor of the Brethren Bishop Lukas, Martin Škoda, which also brought little success. Dubčanský then brought the printer Kaspar Aorgus to Luleč and in 1530 the first hymn book of the Apostolic Brothers de monte Liliorum was published , which was followed by further expanded editions and various missionary writings. The Bohemian-Hungarian and Roman-German King Ferdinand I ordered in 1536 to stop Dubčanský's apostolic activities. Dubčanský then submitted his apology. This was presented to the Viennese Bishop Johann Fabri , who saw in it in his report Censura super nova aput Moravos Pykardorum et cuiusdam indocti impliique Habrowansky secta et falsa religione one of the existing social order dangerous heresy, which in the Bohemian countries led to the outbreak of a peasant uprising as in southern Germany Could lead space and recommended the prohibition of the sect. On August 11, 1537 Dubčanský was summoned to Prague Castle with other representatives of the religious community and taken prisoner in the Black Tower after he had refused to revoke his teaching. After Johann von Pernstein and Heinrich von Schwanberg had deposited a deposit of 10,000 shock groschen and were required to abstain from further sectarian acts, the prisoners were released on April 6, 1538. Dubčanský stopped his missionary activities from then on. The process concerned the Moravian Parliament several times in 1538 and 1539. The estates saw this as an interference with their rights and asked Ferdinand to withdraw his decision. Dubčanský received significant support from Johann von Pernstein and the Polish King Sigismund . On September 15, 1539, further treatment of the matter was postponed because of the Turkish threat . During this time the Habrovanite community disintegrated and their remnants united with the Moravian Anabaptists.


  • Listové Pana Jana Dubčanského Bratřím Boleslavským poslaní a také jich odpovědi zase psané , Aorgus, Prossnitz 1527
  • Habrovanský kancionál , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1530
  • Ukázání nedostatkúv i také neupřímnosti, kteráž jest nám učiněna od starších bratří Veliké strany Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1531
  • Odpověď a zpráva Bratří starších té Jednoty, kterúž z omylu Pikhartstvím nazývají , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1533
  • Spis z Písem sv. sebraný o pravém a věčném Bohu Otci, Synu i Duchu sv. v osobách rozdílném Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1533
  • Habrovanský kancionál , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1534
  • O božském, věčném, pána Krista z samého otce bez matky narození, jenž jest slovo, neb řeč a maudrost boží , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1534
  • Habrovanský kancionál , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1536
  • Apologia, totiž zjevné dostiučinění, aneb všem vuobec vydání počtu z víry, z učení i ze všeho pořádku, kteréhož v náboženství křesťanském užívají bratřítí a starší vívaní, Lívají bratřít a starši vívan , Llívají bratřítí a staršívan , 36
  • Habrovanský kancionál , Aorgus, monte Liliorum, 1536

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