Billy the Kid vs. Dracula

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Original title Billy the Kid vs. Dracula
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1966
length 73 minutes
Director William Beaudine
script Carl K. Hittleman
production Carroll Case
music Raoul Kraushaar
camera Lothrop B. Worth
cut Roy V. Livingston

Billy the Kid vs. Dracula is an American trash film made in 1965 , a mix of western and horror film with John Carradine as the bloodsucker and Chuck Courtney as the trigger-happy western legend.


Count Dracula is traveling by stagecoach in the Wild West in the early 1880s. Also traveling in the carriage is Mary Ann Bentley, an elderly lady who talks about her daughter Betty who is said to be the heir to a large ranch. Mary Ann is accompanied by her brother James Underhill. Dracula has an idea. He would like to bite Betty and kill two birds with one stone: Namely, get a new undead companion, with whom he wants to live in a nearby, no longer in operation silver mine without sun, and at the same time become the owner of a magnificent ranch. To do this, however, he must first get rid of all fellow travelers. Dracula arranges an Indian attack on the stagecoach, in which only he survives.

When he arrives at his destination, he immediately seeks out Betty and introduces himself as her uncle James Underhill, whom she never met personally. Dracula also meets Betty's fiancé, a certain William Bonney, better known as the former outlaw Billy the Kid, who has undergone a cleansing. Suddenly the old vampire is faced with a completely different danger: an old, German couple named Eva and Franz Oster with their daughter Lisa arrives, and as a European, they are well informed about the vampire cult and how to kill the undead . They recognize the danger posed by the wrong uncle and warn Billy. He is now beginning to question whether Betty's uncle is actually a relative of hers. But the sniper can't do anything with a revolver. When he fires all six shots from his drum revolver at Dracula, nothing happens. The only thing that helps is a targeted throw with the Colt to at least knock out the old man.

Production notes

Billy the Kid vs. Dracula was shot in just eight days in mid-1965 and premiered on April 10, 1966 in the United States. The strip could not be seen in Germany.

Frank Paul Sylos designed the film structures .

For veteran director William Beaudine , Billy the Kid vs. Dracula and the brother strip Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter , which was shot almost at the same time , also a bizarre western horror trash film mix, said goodbye to the cinema.

useful information

Although Carradine is even mentioned in the title as Dracula, this name is not mentioned once in the entire film.


"Artificial mischief"

- Leonard Maltin : Movie & Video Guide, 1996 edition, p. 117

“Compared to Jesse James meets Frankenstein's Daughter , which was produced at the same time, the Billy Dracula duo does well, which is mainly due to the fact that the conflict between the two is actually at the center of the narrative, so their respective stories are not just told side by side . "

- Criticism on

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