Biscuit (North America)

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Biscuits with honey

A biscuit [ˈbɪskɨt] refers to a small unsweetened pastry with a browned crust and a soft, somewhat flaky crumb in American and Canadian English . As a leavening agent is baking powder and / or baking soda used, the use of yeast is not common. Biscuits are often grouped together with soda bread and cornbread as quick breads , as the dough does not have to rise before baking.

American biscuits are similar to English scones and have little in common with the baked goods known as biscuits in Europe . In British English , biscuit refers to a dry, sweetened pastry that is called a cookie in American English .


Biscuits originated in the early 19th century , before the Civil War . Back then, baker's yeast was expensive and difficult to store, so there was a need for yeast-free baked goods. In 1875, Alexander Ashborne patented the first biscuit mold for cutting round biscuits out of the rolled out dough.

Biscuits originally come from southern cuisine . Before the advent of trade over long distances, the flour available there consisted mainly of winter wheat , which contains less gluten than the summer wheat common in the northern states and is therefore well suited for processing with baking powder.


Biscuits are made from white flour , buttermilk , butter and / or shortening , salt and baking powder and / or baking soda. The dough is rolled out to a thickness of about 2 cm. The biscuits are cut out with a round shape, placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven. In North America, frozen freshly baked biscuits are available in supermarkets. This product was patented by Ballard & Ballard as early as 1931.


Biscuits and Gravy

Biscuits are often served as a side dish and instead of bread . For American breakfast they are served with butter and a sweet spread ( molasses , maple syrup , honey or jam ); alternatively, they can also be served as biscuits and sausage with a savory breakfast. Biscuits can also be served as a side dish for lunch and dinner; and there are also dishes with biscuits as the main component: biscuits and gravy made from biscuits and country gravy , a sauce béchamel with black pepper and minced - insert . Country Benedicts or Eggs Beauregard are created by adding lost eggs and a thin slice of hamburger (patty) .

In North America, biscuit sandwiches are available from various fast food chains, especially for breakfast. They are also offered as a side dish by various chains, including Kentucky Fried Chicken , Church's Chicken , Bojangles' and Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ M. Rombauer: The Joy of Cooking . Scribner, New York 2006, ISBN 978-0-7432-4626-2 , p. 627
  2. a b Biscuits & Cookies . Food timeline. Retrieved January 15, 201.
  3. Shaila Dewan: Biscuit Bakers' Treasured Mill Moves North , New York Times. June 18, 2008. Retrieved January 15, 2010. 
  4. How to make the best Buttermilk Biscuits . Retrieved January 15, 2010.
  5. Southern Biscuit Recipe on, accessed on 12 February 2013