Diocese of Itaguaí

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Diocese of Itaguaí
Basic data
Country Brazil
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro
Diocesan bishop José Ubiratan Lopes OFMCap
founding 1980
surface 2,549 km²
Parishes 19 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Residents 410,000 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics 273,000 (2016 / AP 2017 )
proportion of 66.6%
Diocesan priest 20 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious priest 6 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics per priest 10,500
Permanent deacons 14 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Friars 8 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious sisters 4 (2016 / AP 2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Portuguese
cathedral São Francisco Xavier Cathedral

The Diocese of Itaguaí ( Latin Dioecesis Itaguaiensis , Portuguese Diocese de Itaguaí ) is in Brazil located Roman Catholic diocese based in Itaguaí in the state of Rio de Janeiro .


The diocese of Itaguaí was established on March 14, 1980 by Pope John Paul II from ceding territories of the dioceses Nova Iguaçu and Barra do Piraí-Volta Redonda and subordinated to the Archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro as a suffragan diocese.

Itaguaí Cathedral (2017)

Bishops of Itaguaí

See also

Web links