Bishopric of Santo Angelo

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Bishopric of Santo Angelo
Basic data
Country Brazil
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Santa Maria
Diocesan bishop Liro Vendelino Meurer
Emeritus diocesan bishop José Clemente Weber
founding 1961
surface 18,572 km²
Parishes 40 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Residents 582,590 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics 424,635 (2017 / AP 2018 )
proportion of 72.9%
Diocesan priest 55 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious priest 16 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics per priest 5,981
Permanent deacons 1 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Friars 32 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious sisters 122 (2017 / AP 2018 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Portuguese
cathedral Santo Angelo Cathedral
address CP 202
Rua Marques do Herval 1270
98800-970 Santo Ângelo, RS

The diocese of Santo Ângelo ( Latin Dioecesis Angelopolitana , Portuguese Diocese de Santo Ângelo ) is a Roman Catholic suffragan of the Archdiocese of Santa Maria . The diocese of Santo Ângelo has its seat in Santo Ângelo in Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil .

The diocese was founded on May 22nd, 1961 by Pope John XXIII. founded out of the diocese of Uruguaiana ; Aloísio Lorscheider became the first bishop on February 3, 1962 .


Web links

Santo Ângelo Cathedral