Blanchard Ryan

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Blanchard Ryan, February 2009

Blanchard Ryan (* 12. January 1967 in Boston , Massachusetts as Susan Blanchard Ryan ) is an American actress .

life and career

She graduated in political philosophy (comparable to political science ) at the University of New Hampshire and then initially worked for the music channel MTV in the special effects department . In addition, she attended several acting courses.

Eventually she left MTV to pursue an acting career. She received a guest role in the 2000 series Sex and the City and appeared in the films Super Troopers and My Sister's Wedding . In 2003 she got the leading female role in the successful independent film Open Water and was able to make a name for herself with it. In 2005 she won the Saturn Award for best actress for this film .

She is married but keeps her private life out of the public eye.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Blanchard Ryan  - Collection of Images