Karl Blessing (publisher)

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Karl Herbert Blessing (born March 24, 1941 in Berlin ; † March 12, 2005 in Munich ) was a German publisher .

life and work

Karl Blessing was the son of the banker Karl Blessing , who was President of the Deutsche Bundesbank from 1958 to 1969 . He completed his German studies with a doctorate on Alfred Döblin .

In 1982 Blessing returned to the Georg von Holtzbrinck publishing group after having worked at Reader's Digest in the USA from 1976 . From 1982 to 1995 he was a publisher at Holtzbrinck and program manager of the Knaur and Kindler publishers belonging to the group .

In 1996, Blessing founded the Karl Blessing Verlag with Bertelsmann AG . He published bestsellers such as Kathy Reichs ' crime novel Totenmontag or Frank Schirrmacher's study The Methuselah plot and authors such as Michael Crichton , Noah Gordon , Dieter Hildebrandt , Milena Moser , Arundhati Roy or Tom Wolfe .

In 2004, Karl Blessing was voted Publisher of the Year by the trade magazine BuchMarkt .

Karl Blessing died on March 12, 2005 a few days before the age of 64 after suffering from severe cancer. He found his final resting place in Munich's north cemetery .

Web links


  1. ^ Karl H. Blessing. buchmarkt.de, March 13, 2005, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  2. Management by bullying. focus.de, December 14, 1995, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  3. ^ Blessing Verlag. randomhouse.de, June 2019, accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  4. Dr. Karl H. Blessing voted Publisher of the Year. buchmarkt.de, November 29, 2004, accessed on September 29, 2019 .