Body Language (film)

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German title Body Language
Original title Body Language
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1995
length 96 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director George Case
script Eric Harlacher
production Bill Borden , Robert W. Cort , Ted Field , David Madden , Diane Nabatoff
music Colin Towns
camera Andrzej Sekuła
cut William Goldenberg

Body Language (alternatively: Body Language - Seduction in the Night ) is an American thriller directed by George Case from 1995 .


Gavin St. Claire is a successful lawyer. He and the co-owner of the law firm TJ Harlow prepare the defense of the mafia godfather Frank DeMarco in court.

St. Claire is involved in a car accident in which the stripper Dora Circe is also involved. He gets to know the woman better and lets himself into a love affair with her. Circe is married to Delbert Radley, a man prone to scenes of jealousy and violence.

St. Claire reveals to Circe that he gave the Mafia godfather the name of the woman who turned DeMarco over to the judicial authorities. DeMarco then ordered the witness to be killed. Radley secretly records the story, whereupon he pressures St. Claire and is put out of the way by the latter.

St. Claire finds a box in which Circe has collected newspaper clippings about him. He realizes that the woman planned to meet him. St. Claire threatens her with a knife, whereupon she shoots him. She cries and says she was hoping he and she could be together.

In the final scene, Dora Circe's car collides with that of a university professor. He knows her as Dora St. Claire , one of his students. Harlow is watching from another car.


The lexicon of international films wrote that the film was “ heavy on dialogue ” and that the “ lawyer's motivation ” was “ hardly comprehensible ”. The thriller contains " some badly placed sex scenes ".

The magazine TV direkt 7/2007 wrote that the film contained numerous “ absurd clichés ”.

Jack Sommersby wrote on that the film was " painfully invented ", offered no surprises and insulted the intelligence of the audience.


  1. ^ Body Language. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 18, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. TV direkt 7/2007, page 35

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