Buje Publishing House

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legal form GmbH
founding 1949
Seat Cologne , Germany
management Managing directors:
  • Jürgen Horbach
  • Ulrich Störiko-Blume
Website www.boje-verlag.de

The Boje Verlag is a German publisher for children's and youth literature based in Cologne . He brings 40 new books onto the market every year.

Publishing history

The Boje Verlag goes back to the Hanns-Jörg Fischer-Verlag, Berlin - Leipzig , which published books for children and young people in the 1920s to 1930s and whose books already had the buoy as a publishing symbol. The publishing house was newly founded in Stuttgart in 1949 by Hanns-Jörg Fischer . In 1986 it was sold to Pestalozzi Verlag in Erlangen , in the meantime belonged to VEMAG Verlags- und Medien AG, Cologne and was taken over by Bastei Lübbe Verlag in 2010 .

Program areas


Some well-known authors who have published their works with Boje Verlag:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Volker Helbig: Herbert Reineckers Complete Works: His Social and Media History Importance , Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-83506093-7 , p. 30
  2. "Boje plays the cello and retunes his scores" , in: Börsenblatt from July 6, 2010