Boschidar Abrazhev

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Boschidar Abrazhev ( Bulgarian Божидар Абрашев , English transcription: Bozhidar Abrashev ; born March 28, 1936 in Sofia ; † November 6, 2006 ibid) was a Bulgarian composer , music teacher, music theorist and politician . From July 24, 2001 to February 23, 2005 he was Bulgaria's Minister of Culture.


Boschidar Abraschew studied at the National Music Academy “Prof. Pantscho Wladigerow ” with Pantscho Wladigerow and graduated in 1960 with a major in composition. From 1963 to 1966 he was the musical director of the orchestra of the Bulgarian State Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances, the ДАНПТ [DANPT] Filip Kutew . From 1964 he worked as a part-time lecturer at the National Music Academy and from 1966 onwards, full-time. Since 1967 he was a member of the Union of Bulgarian Composers СБК [SBK]. In 1990 he became a professor at the National Music Academy “Prof. Pantscho Vladigerov ”. In 1991 he obtained a doctorate in Изкуствознание [art studies]. 1999 to 2001 he was deputy director of the music academy. He taught the subjects of symphonic orchestration, instrumentation, musical analysis, elementary music theory, musical instrument studies and the recording and processing of Bulgarian folk music at various institutes such as the Plovdiv Spiritual Academy , the Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen , the University of Sofia and the South-West University of Neofit Rilski . He was one of the founders of the National Movement for Stability and Progress . From 1990 he was a member of the Expert Council for Music of the Ministry of Culture. From 2001 to 2005 he was Bulgaria's minister of culture in Simeon Sakskoburggotsky's cabinet and was replaced by Nina Chilowa in the last year of the government. In 2004 he was heavily criticized when it became public that he, as a minister, was considering selling the building of the Museum of Foreign Art to a Turkish investor. In 2005 he became a member of the Narodno Sabranie .

On November 5, 2006, Abrashev suffered a myocardial infarction . His family called the emergency medical service at 9:40 p.m., and they took Abrazhev to a military hospital. At first he recovered without complications, but on November 6th he again developed severe dyspnoea with severe chest pain and Abrashev died of acute respiratory failure around noon.

He was married to Lilina Abrasheva. She attended Parashkev Khadschiev's class at the Academy of Music when Boschidar was teaching there. They met there at a joint conference. His son Boschidar Abraschew is also a composer and conductor. With Lilina he had two daughters, Sneschana and Kristiana.


Boschidar Abraschew composed over sixty musical works. These include works for orchestra, chamber music and vocal music.

  • Псалми за царя: [Psalms for the Tsar]. The work is dedicated to Simeon Sakskoburggotski, who was the last Bulgarian tsar to rule from 1943 to 1946. It was published in 1993 and is composed for a solo tenor, male choir and symphony orchestra. This work is also said to have been a reason for the appointment of Abrazhev as minister of culture in Sakskoburggotsky's cabinet.
  • Св. Иван Рилски Чудотворец: [Saint Ivan Rilski , miracle worker]. Liturgical oratorio published in 1999.
  • Балада за Балкана: [Ballad about the Balkans]. for mixed choir and orchestra. Text: M. Spasow.
  • Заклинание: [magic] poem for bass baritone and orchestra


Boschidar Abrazhev was a holder of the second stage of the Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius .


The obituary of the СБК said: He has left a lasting mark in our musical culture with many works in almost all genres and will remain in the minds of colleagues and friends as a highly educated professional and ethical person.

His work as minister was and is judged extremely critically in Bulgaria, which is also indicated by his early dismissal. Due to his decisions, his personnel changes and many trips abroad, he is referred to in an obituary on as министърътс най-нисък рейтинг [Minister with the worst evaluation].

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Bojidar Abraschev - Union of the Bulgarian Composers. Retrieved September 17, 2017 (English).
  2. a b c Почина бившият министър на културата Божидар Абрашев - . In: . November 6, 2006 (Bulgarian, [accessed September 15, 2017]).
  3. a b c Божидар Абрашев, министър на културата . In: SEGA Online . ( [accessed September 15, 2017]).
  4. a b Божидар Абрашев, композитор, педагог, музикален теоретик, обществен деец - Съюз на българските композитори. СБК, archived from the original on September 24, 2017 ; Retrieved August 28, 2019 (Bulgarian).
  5. Божидар Абрашев: Само премиерът може да ми каже да си ходя . In: . ( [accessed October 18, 2017]).
  6. Стела Стоянова: Божидар Абрашев - депутат . In: . April 19, 2005 (Bulgarian, [accessed September 15, 2017]).
  7. a b Rumjana Milewa: Денят - Сърдечна криза погуби Божидар Абрашев. In: Standart . November 7, 2006, archived from the original on January 14, 2018 (Bulgarian).;
  8. Assja Mollowa: Божидар Абрашев буди жена си с кафе. In: Standart . January 25, 2002, archived from the original on January 14, 2018 (Bulgarian).;
  9. Божидар Абрашев, министър на културата. July 23, 2001, Retrieved October 18, 2017 (Bulgarian).
  10. Почина бившият министър на културата Божидар Абрашев - . In: . ( [accessed October 18, 2017]).