Bruno Goedicke

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Bruno Goedicke (born September 19, 1879 in Plön , † March 2, 1971 in Lohhof) was a German officer , most recently an SS brigade leader and major general of the Waffen SS in World War II .


Goedicke studied languages ​​at the University of Grenoble . He joined the infantry regiment "Kaiser Wilhelm" (2nd Grand Ducal Hessian) No. 116 as a flag junior in 1898 , attended the Danzig War School in 1899/1900 and in April 1906 became the field artillery regiment "Prince Regent Luitpold von Bayern" (Magdeburgisches) No. 4 commands. From 1909 to 1912 he attended the military academy. From 1912 he was the second general secretary of the federal government of the Kyffhäuserbund . During the First World War he took part as a soldier with the 1st East Prussian Field Artillery Regiment No. 16 and the Field Artillery Regiment 250.

From 1927 to 1942 he was a department head of the Reich leadership of the Reich Warrior League. He was a member of the paramilitary organization Stahlhelm from 1930 to 1933 and became a member of the Sturmabteilung in 1934 .

He had been a member of the NSDAP since 1933 (NSDAP number: 2.585.288) and of the SS since January 31, 1936 (SS number: 276.066) and was a member of the staff from January 30, 1936 to November 9, 1938 Assigned to SS personnel main office. From November 9, 1938 to November 9, 1942 he was assigned to the Reichsführer-SS staff. From August 12, 1941 to March 1, 1943 he was in command of the SS Artillery Replacement Regiment. From March 1, 1943 to May 8, 1945 he was the SS site commander in Vienna.


In the Imperial Army / Reichswehr

In the SS


Goedicke was a Protestant and has been married to Dorothy Letts (born March 12, 1889 in Hoboken (New Jersey) , USA; † unknown) since August 21, 1912 ; with his wife he had three daughters (* July 31, 1913; * August 13, 1915; * October 31, 1916). His wife was also strictly Nazi ( NSDAP No. 1,363,737 / NSV No. 1,739,033). Member of the Lebensborn e. V.


See also


  1. a b c d e f g h List of seniority of the NSDAP Schutzstaffel. As of December 1, 1937, serial no. 459 on p. 30 f. (JPG; 1.32 MB) In: . Retrieved March 14, 2020 .