Bruno Messerli

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Bruno Messerli (1986)

Bruno Messerli (born September 17, 1931 in Belp ; † February 4, 2019 ) was a Swiss geographer and university professor whose work dealt with geographic research in high mountains .


Bruno Messerli studied geography and geology at the University of Bern , where he received his doctorate in 1962. After his habilitation in 1965, he was appointed full professor in geomorphology by the University of Bern in 1968 , where he worked in teaching and research until his retirement in 1996. From 1979 to 1984 Bruno Messerli was Director of the Geographical Institute at the University of Bern, and from 1986 to 1987 Rector of the University of Bern. He was also chairman of the mountain program in the MAB program of UNESCO , coordinator of the UN mountain program and from 1996 to 2000 President of the International Geographical Union (IGU).

His son Peter Messerli also became a professor at the University of Bern.


Bruno Messerli's main earnings lie in field research on questions of glaciation , climate history, environmental change and resources in the Alps, the mountains of Africa, the Himalayas and the Andes. He also played a key role in the inclusion of a mountain chapter in Agenda 21 .

Prizes, awards and memberships

Works (selection)

  • with H. Oeschger and M. Svilar (eds.): The climate. Analyzes and models, history and future . Springer Verlag, 1980.
  • with JD Ives (Ed.): Mountain Ecosystems, Stability and Instability . Spec. Publ. IGU Congress Paris - Alps 1984. Mountain Research and Development
  • with E. Brugger, G. Furrer and P. Messerli (eds.): Upheaval in the mountain area. The development of the Swiss mountain region between independence and dependence from an economic and ecological point of view . Haupt Verlag, Bern 1984.
  • with JD Ives: The Himalayan Dilemma. Reconciling Development and Conservation . UNU / Routledge, London / New York 1989, ISBN 0-415-01157-4 .
  • with JD Ives (Ed.): Mountains of the World. A global priority . Parthenon, Carnforth / New York 1997, ISBN 1-85070-781-2 .
  • with T. Hofer: Floods in Bangladesh. History, Dynamics and Rethinking the Role of the Himalayas . United Nations University Press, Tokyo / New York 2006.


  • Viktor Gorgé: Messerli, Bruno. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • H. Hurni, H. Kienholz, H. Wanner, U. Wiesmann: Environment, people, mountains. Commemorative publication Bruno Messerli. In: Yearbook of the Geographical Society Bern. Volume 59, 1996.
  • H. Wanner, H. Hurni, H. Kienholz: Bruno Messerli as a person, researcher and teacher. For the retirement of a recognized academic trailblazer . Unipress intern, Febr. 1997, pp. 1-4.
  • F. Klötzli, F. Stadelmann, G. Klaus: Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Messerli - The pressure on the mountain regions is increasing. In: Quarterly journal of the Natural Research Society in Zurich. Volume 153, Issue 1/2, 2008, pp. 38–42.
  • Mountains as a unique field of observation and experimentation. Interview with geographer Bruno Messerli. In: Magazine for Science and Research of the University of Innsbruck. H. 1, 2011, pp. 22-24.
  • A. Borsdorf, M. Coy, J. Stötter: Bruno Messerli, geographer. Honorary doctorate from the University of Innsbruck. (PDF; 463 kB). In: Innsbruck Geographical Society: Annual Report 2008–2010. 2011, pp. 223-229.
  • P. Messerli, L. Rey: 125 years of geography at the University of Bern. The world in Bern - Bern in the world. In: Yearbook of the Geographical Society Bern. Volume 63, 2011, pp. 36-39.

Web links

Commons : Bruno Messerli  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Brigitte Walser: The Bernese who can spend 200 million . In: The Bund . ISSN  0774-6156 ( [accessed December 16, 2019]).
  2. Prof. Dr. Peter Messerli. January 31, 2019, accessed December 16, 2019 .
  4. Member entry by Prof. Dr. Bruno Messerli (with picture) at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , accessed on July 18, 2016.
  5. Dr. Bruno Messerli, University of Bern. ( Memento from August 24, 2013 in the web archive ) at:
  6. Member entry by Bruno Messerli at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz , accessed on October 27, 2017