Salto book series

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The Salto book series is an edition of Wagenbach-Verlag , Berlin and has been published since 1987. The word “SALTO” is written in capital letters and the A is upside down where it is typographically possible.

Title of the book series SALTO

Authors and Topics


Example of a cover with stuck-on title label

The titles of the book series include contemporary literature and authors such as Carlo Emilio Gadda , Pier Paolo Pasolini , Michelangelo Antonioni , Djuna Barnes and Virginia Woolf , with an emphasis on Italian literature and literary travel guides . In the role of editor , the publisher Klaus Wagenbach himself contributed two titles to the book series. The German literature u. a. represented by the authors Erich Fried , Stephan Hermlin , Heinz Berggruen , Alexander Kluge and Günter Bruno Fuchs .


The so-called little novels have a special place in the Salto series : this includes novellas , short stories and short novels by authors from Wagenbach Verlag and by writers who “donate” their own works to this series.

A second sub-series consists of books on the subject of art and culture . For example, Andrea Palladio's villas and English gardens are presented, and Giorgio Vasari’s artist biographies are presented.

A third area consists of cookbooks ; Here mainly the recipes from Italy , for example from Tuscany , or France are offered.

The fourth subject area consists of “literary invitations”; in the meantime 20 titles the readers are invited to Berlin , Rome , Turin , Trieste , Sicily , Paris , Lisbon , London , Vienna , Istanbul , Amsterdam , New York and Rio de Janeiro .

Biggest sales success

The greatest sales success of the Salto book series to date was the novella The Sovereign Reader by British author Alan Bennett , which appeared in two editions in red linen (2008) and in a limited edition in blue silk (2012). In September 2008, the book was number 3 on the fiction bestseller list of the news magazine Spiegel .


The writer John Berger , who died in 2017, described Salto as "one of the most beautiful book series in the world."

Titles published so far

A complete list of the titles in the SALTO book series can be found on a private homepage:


Advertising poster for the Salto book series

The titles of the books are "made according to a classic craft tradition". They are bound in bright red linen , thread-sewn, and have a small sticker attached; the title, the publisher's information and the table of contents on the outer back cover are embossed in color. The volumes also have a through-colored endpaper.

For the title and the embedding of the title plate, the covers are embossed with a heated brass stamp. The title label is then glued into the embossed recess by hand. These processing steps are carried out by the Kösel printing company in the Allgäu .


Two million volumes had been sold by 2017; To date, 100,000 m 2 of linen have been dyed and processed for this purpose and 28,000 km of thread have been sewn for bookbinding .


The volume of a volume is up to 144 pages and in exceptional cases a maximum of 168 pages.


The prices per title are currently between 8.15 euros and 17.00 euros; Out of print editions sometimes achieve significantly higher prices for antiquarian books.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Publishing information of the Wagenbach publishing house
  2. Best seller list ( Memento from July 27, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Website of the publisher