Federation of the German Confectionery Industry

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Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry
legal form registered association
founding 1958
Seat Bonn
purpose Representation of the interests of confectionery companies
Action space Germany
Chair Bastian Fassin
Managing directors Carsten Bernoth (General Manager), Beate Olzem, Peter Liesen, Torben Erbrath, Ernst Kammerinke
Members 234 (2018)
Website www.bdsi.de

The Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry e. V. ( BDSI ) represents the interests of more than 200 confectionery companies from all over Germany. The BDSI is both a business and employers' association and is based in Bonn with branch offices in Berlin and Brussels . Bastian Fassin is the chairman.


The BDSI was founded in Bonn in 1958. Its tradition goes back to the Association of German Chocoladefabrikanten , an association of chocolate manufacturers founded in 1877 .

Economical meaning

With a share of around 10% of sales, the German confectionery industry is the fourth largest branch of the German food industry . The association consists of more than 200 confectionery manufacturers who together generate around 90 percent of the turnover in confectionery in Germany (corresponds to 9% of total turnover in the food sector) and employ around 50,000 people. The BDSI includes the specialist areas of chocolate goods , fine baked goods , sweets and sugar confectionery , ice cream , snacks , chewing gum and raw materials .


The association offers its members services through affiliated areas, including an export promotion company ( German Sweets ), which mainly supports medium-sized manufacturers in their export business , as well as a food chemistry institute that provides advice in the areas of food safety and food quality. The Foundation of the German Cocoa and Chocolate Industry supports - in cooperation with the Association of Companies Involved in the Raw Cocoa Trade e. V. - national and international projects around cocoa.

With the Central Technical College of the German Confectionery Industry (ZDS) in Solingen and through cooperation with the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (study course in food technology with a focus on baking and confectionery technology ), the BDSI supports the training and promotion of skilled workers for the confectionery industry.


The BDSI is a member of the umbrella organizations of the German food industry, the Federation for Food Law and Food Science e. V. (BLL) and the Federal Association of the German Food Industry e. V. (BVE). The BDSI is also a member of the European International Confectionery Association (ICA), the Association of the Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industries of Europe ( CAOBISCO ), the European Snacks Association (ESA) and the European Ice Cream Association (Euroglaces).

The BDSI is also a member of the European Movement Germany .


It is viewed critically that the members of the BDSI distribute advertising aimed at children in order to encourage increased consumption of confectionery.


  • Federal Association of the German Confectionery Industry V. (Ed.): Who and Was: Confectionery Industry , BEHR's Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-95468-050-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Food Practice (May 20, 2019): BDSI - Change at the top .
  2. BDSI office. In: bdsi.de. Retrieved December 18, 2019 .
  3. Announcement of the public list of the registration of associations and their representatives. from 6 June 2019. In: Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Ed.): Federal Gazette. BAnz AT 06.06.2019 B1 (Association 406, PDF file , 28 MB).
  4. confectionery 5/2002: 125 years of the BDSI .
  5. Member page in the BLL. Retrieved June 27, 2013 .
  6. Member website of the BVE. Retrieved September 4, 2014 .
  7. Membership page in the EBD. Retrieved October 6, 2010 .
  8. Confectionery manufacturer criticized for advertising "bait" for children