Federal competition in computer science

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The Federal Computer Science Competition ( BwInf ) is a nationwide competition for schoolchildren that has been held annually since 1980 and aims to arouse interest in computer science and promote application-oriented thinking. In three rounds, five to seven national winners and five to seven other winners will be determined. The national winners are usually accepted into the German National Academic Foundation without any special admission procedure . Cash and material prizes will also be awarded. The Federal Competition computer science is a way to qualify to participate in the International Olympiad in computer science ( International Olympiad in Informatics , IOI).

The sponsors of the competition are the Society for Computer Science (GI), the IuK group of the Fraunhofer Society and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken . The competition is also financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Federal President is the patron of the competition . The competition is one of the nationally funded school and youth competitions recognized by the Standing Conference .

Eligible Participants

Adolescents and young adults up to the age of 21 are eligible to participate. However, they must not have completed their (IT-related) training or started a professional activity by September 1st of the respective year. People studying at a university are excluded if they are not attending school at the same time.


The national IT competition begins and ends in September and consists of three rounds. In the first two rounds, homework tasks are to be processed and documented; Group work is only allowed in the first round. In the first round there are usually five simple tasks to work on, in the second round three significantly more difficult tasks. In addition, there are two junior tasks in the first round that can only be solved by participants up to and including grade 10 (in the G8: introductory phase).

In the first round you can get between one and five points for each completed task and you need at least twelve points from the best three tasks to get to the second round. In the second round you have to work on two of the three tasks and should also expand the tasks yourself. Finally, the best 30 or so participants from the second round will be invited to the final round. There, the participants are assessed in three half-hour individual interviews and two five-hour group work. In the end, around six national winners and around six prize winners will be chosen and some special prizes (best individual performance, best group performance, best lecture, best performance among the younger participants ...) will be awarded. As a rule, the national winners are also included in the German National Academic Foundation , even if this does not officially happen automatically.

Selection process for the Olympic teams

At the international level, there are currently three IT Olympics in which German teams take part: The International Olympiad for Computer Science (IOI), the Central European Olympiad for Computer Science (CEOI) and the Baltic Olympiad for Computer Science (BOI). All three Olympiads have already been held in Germany, namely the IOI 1992 in Bonn , the CEOI 2003 in Münster , 2008 in Dresden and 2014 in Jena , as well as the BOI 2007 in Güstrow and 2013 in Rostock .

Around twelve participants in the final round of the national IT competition and other participants from Jugend forscht qualify for the selection seminars for the annual IT Olympiads. From these, the four-person (six-person for the BOI) German team is formed over the course of three or four courses, which is allowed to travel to the Olympics, supervised by a two-person team leader.


At the moment (December 2017) Till Tantau ( University of Lübeck ) is the chairman of the advisory board and Wolfgang Pohl is the managing director of the Federal Computer Science Competition. The chairman of the task committee is Peter Rossmanith ( RWTH Aachen ).


year Competition number Participant 1st round Eligible 2nd round Participants 2nd round
2018/2019 37 1682 997 211
2017/2018 36 1463 828 154
2016/2017 35 1406 746 232
2015/2016 34 1318 473 163
2014/2015 33 1140 457 161
2013/2014 32 1189 668 189
2012/2013 31 1187 544 179
2011/2012 30th 596 330 90
2010/2011 29 999 557 161

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The history of the national computer science competition. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on December 7, 2017 ; accessed on December 7, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bwinf.de
  2. School and youth competitions. Conference of Ministers of Education, accessed on December 7, 2017 .
  3. About us. Retrieved December 7, 2017 .
  4. ^ The task committee of the federal computer science competition. In: BWINF. Retrieved September 9, 2019 .