Castle chapel St. Galli

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The St. Galli Castle Chapel (also: St. Galluskirche , Gallenkirche ) in front of Hanover was a Roman Catholic church dedicated to St. Gallus and a chapel at Lauenrode Castle in the Middle Ages .


The St. Galluskirche was first commemorated in 1241. "In all likelihood," founded the Guelph Pfalzgraf Heinrich the St. Gallus relic for the chapel of the castle Lauenrode against Hannover, which Heinrich his worldly protection and suzerainty over Konrad II. Expression awarded.

There are no written records about the condition of the chapel . It is known, however, that the later St. Gallenhof and its goods were added to the church's chaplain as endowment for the main altar .

The chapel served both the castle men sitting by the castle and the people living on the Brühl in front of Hanover. In addition, there was a calendar brotherhood there , which was later united with the Marienkapelle in the Calenberger Neustadt .

When the citizens of Hanover the hated castle Lauenrode 1371 dragged - after obtaining permission from the Saxon dukes Albrecht and Wenceslas - they left only the "chapel" St. Gallus stand until them the Bishop of Minden in the following year in 1372 and this demolition and reconstruction elsewhere. However, it was not until 1446 that the furnishings of the former castle chapel were transferred to the new construction of the St. Gallenkapelle in Hanover.


  • Arnold Nöldeke : St. Galli Castle Chapel at Lauenrode Castle , in: Die Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Hannover Vol. 1, H. 2, Teil 1, Hannover, self-published by the Provincial Administration, Theodor Schulzes Buchhandlung, 1932 (Neudruck Verlag Wenner, Osnabrück 1979, ISBN 3-87898-151-1 ), p. 209

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Arnold Nöldeke: Castle Chapel St. Galli ... (see literature)
  2. a b Wilhelm Görges , Ferdinand Spehr (ed.): Patriotic stories and memorabilia of the prehistoric times of the Braunschweig and Hanover regions , F. Wagner, Braunschweig 1881, p. 3 and others; Preview as a snippet of Google Books
  3. a b Helmut Plath : Die Frühgeschichte , in: Klaus Mlynek , Waldemar R. Röhrbein (ed.), Dieter Brosius (collaborator): Geschichte der Stadt Hannover , Vol. 1: From the beginnings to the beginning of the 19th century , Hanover: Schlütersche , 1992, ISBN 3-87706-351-9 , here: p. 30; online through google books
  4. a b Friedrich Wilhelm Andreae : Chronicle of the royal seat of Hanover from the oldest times to the present , Hildesheim, Finck, 1859, here: p. 5f .; online through google books ;
    • or reprint of the edition (in Fraktur) in the series Contributions to the history, regional and folklore of Lower Saxony and Bremen , Vol. 42, Hannover-Döhren: von Hirschheydt, 1977, ISBN 3-7777-0836-4
  5. ^ According to Nöldeke based on the Hanover history sheets from 1927; Source: Arnold Nöldeke: Marienkapelle auf der Neustadt , in: Die Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Hannover Vol. 1 ..., S. 209f.