Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen

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Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen (born December 5, 1855 in Hamburg , † July 5, 1916 there ) was a German pharmacist. From 1896 to 1916 he headed the Hamburg pharmaceutical industry as an assessor for pharmacy in the medical college.


Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen was the son of the Hamburg pharmacist Christian Albrecht Jungclaussen (1823–1903) and his wife Louise Agathe Emilie Bernhardine, née. Roosen-Runge (1826–1914), daughter of the elder Johann Roosen-Runge and sister of the pharmacist Johann Roosen Runge (1824–1863). The pedagogue Jacob Philipp Albrecht Jungclaussen was his grandfather. His father owned the Strohhaus pharmacy in 1854 , Beim Strohshaus 10 (today's house no. 30) in Hamburg-St. Georg acquired.

He attended the learned school of the Johanneum until his Abitur in 1875 and then did an apprenticeship with the pharmacist Carl Laubinger (1838–1926) in the university pharmacy for the golden angel in Giessen ; He also attended pharmaceutical lectures at the University of Giessen . After the assistant examination in Darmstadt , he gained experience as a pharmacist's assistant in Leipzig and with his father. In 1880 he began his regular studies in pharmacy at the University of Leipzig and the University of Strasbourg . In 1882 he passed the state examination with distinction in Strasbourg. He wanted to do a doctorate, for which he was doing research in the laboratories of Rudolph Fittig and Friedrich August Flückiger . However, a serious illness in his father made it necessary for him to return to Hamburg and take over the management of the pharmacy. In 1888 it passed into his possession.

In 1893, at the suggestion of the pharmacists, he became an assistant in the Medical College, the regulatory authority of the Hamburg Senate for doctors and pharmacists. In 1896 the Senate appointed him Assessor of Pharmacy in the Medical College . So he was, still part-time, a supervisory officer for the pharmacy sector in Hamburg and at the same time head of the Hamburg Pharmaceutical Training Institute. It served the training of apprentices and assistants, as well as the preliminary training of pharmacists. Jungclaussen wrote contributions to the real encyclopedia of the whole pharmacy (1904-1914) and in the archive of the pharmacy .

In 1912 the Senate awarded him the title of professor .

He was married to Dora Elisabeth, geb. Suhlberg.


  • History of the Hamburg pharmacies since the medical regulations came into force from 1818 to the end of 1912: Festschrift to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Pharmacists' Association in Hamburg. Hamburg 1913
Digitized , Braunschweig University Library
updated new edition as: Rudolf Schmitz, Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen, Sieglinde Lefrère: History of the Hamburg pharmacies 1818-1965 according to CA Jungclaussen. (= Sources and studies on the history of pharmacy 7) Hamburg: Govi ​​1966


  • Wolfgang-Hagen Hein: Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen , in: Wolfgang-Hagen Hein, Holm-Dietmar Schwarz (Ed.): German Pharmacist Biography , Volume 1: A – L. (= Publications of the International Society for the History of Pharmacy. New Series, Volume 43). Wissenschaftliche Verlags-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-8047-0518-9 , p. 307
  • Holm-Dietmar Schwarz: On the 75th anniversary of Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen's death. In: Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 131 (1991), no. 27, pp. 1435-1436

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Individual evidence

  1. For him see Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present. Volume 6, Hamburg 1873, p. 376, No. 3276
  2. ^ Rudolf Schmitz, Caesar Albrecht Jungclaussen, Sieglinde Lefrère: History of the Hamburg pharmacies 1818-1965 according to CA Jungclaussen. (= Sources and studies on the history of pharmacy 7) Hamburg: Govi ​​1966, p. 270
  3. ^ The pharmaceutical training institute of the Health Council in Hamburg (1824-1935) , accessed on June 13, 2019