Calle Claus

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Calle Claus (* 1971 in Braunschweig ) is a German comic book artist and copywriter, illustrator and radio play author .


Calle Claus spent his childhood and youth in Hanover , where he studied German for several semesters after graduating from high school, before moving to Hamburg in 1994 to study illustration at the HAW Armgartstraße . During his studies he published several comic stories in the student comic magazine Unpleasant , of which a total of five issues appeared. After a few self-published issues - Schwindel (1997), Schwurbel (1998), as well as The Feeling (1998) - Elbsirene was his first "proper" publisher's publication in 1999: The story, based on a chapter of Ulysses , was published by the Berlin publishing house Jochen Enterprises , it was also his diploma thesis. After the sudden end of Jochen, Claus landed at the Wuppertal publishing house Edition 52 , where he published further issues: The portrait of a young lady (2001), Zuckerkick (2002) and Heart Core Stories (2003). In addition, appeared in Berlin Comix in 5 Devil & # guns the long history Schoolyard Love , and for reproduction , the mini-booklet Spring! (2002) in the R-24 series . In addition, contributions have been published in anthologies such as Panik Elektro , Strapazin , Warburger , Zone 5300 and Beeldstorm .

Claus also worked as a copywriter for various comic series, mostly on behalf of the Ully Arndt studios in Hamburg. For a long time he wrote the Mecki comics for Hörzu ( Wittek was responsible for the drawings), the interactive comic series Der Reporter for , and the daily newspaper strip Lilly , also for Bild . He also writes radio play episodes and comics for the successful children's series Die Teufelskicker .

In 2004, Claus developed the first comic cover for the band Wir sind Helden . In March 2007 his book Findrella , an underwater fairy tale without words, was published. From March 2006, the Hamburg city magazine "hamburg-pur" printed its comic series Die Schanzen-Babes , in which two scene girls, Liz and Gwen, make the Hanseatic city unsafe. When the last comic came out in May 2010, all comic strips from 4 years were published in the scrapbook Galáo to go .

In September 2012, also at Edition 52, Claus' most extensive comic history to date, White Line, will be published . A nameless young man experiences a series of strange episodes here, which gradually come together to form a mysterious whole. Claus also drew the comic series The Girls for the music magazine Intro . Linus Volkmann was responsible for the stories here . For the magazine Cicero he draws and writes a regular comics page with current political references under the heading Sign Language . In 2016 the book "Dorle" was published by Zwerchfell-Verlag, written and drawn together with Olli Ferreira.

He also teaches comic drawing at the Hamburger Volkshochschule and at the Comicademy.


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