Carl Nonn

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Roaring deer (painting by Carl Nonn, originally made for the Wenig family, probably between 1894 and 1921)

Carl Nonn (born April 29, 1876 in Bonn ; † June 25, 1949 there ) was a German painter .

Live and act

Nonn was born as the third and youngest child of master furrier Anton Nonn and his wife Franziska geb. Crow. After attending the Bonn Minster School, he completed an apprenticeship as a decorative painter from 1888 to 1894 and then worked as such. In addition, he received private lessons from the drawing teacher Adams. From 1894 to 1896 he attended the arts and crafts school in Düsseldorf .

He did his military service from 1897 to 1898 with the Bonn Infantry Regiment . He suffered a broken bone in his right hand, the wrong treatment of which resulted in permanent stiffening of the hand. Until 1900 Nonn stayed in Munich , where he painted churches and chapels and made studies of nature and in the Alte Pinakothek .

After returning to Bonn in 1901, he married Katharina Biesing. The purchase of a house could be financed from an inheritance. Four years later, with financial support from his parents, he was able to build a spacious studio house at 14 Niebuhrstrasse.

From 1905 he went on trips to the Eifel and made the acquaintance of Fritz von Wille , with whom he later became friends. In 1909 he was first involved in an exhibition in the Obernier Museum in Bonn . After several exhibitions, several Bonn artists formed the Bonner Künstlerbund, chaired by Nonn. From 1912 he was involved in exhibitions in Cologne and Düsseldorf. In 1913/14 he made the acquaintance of August Macke .

Among other things, because of the hand injury, Nonn was released from military service in 1914. In 1925 he stayed with his eldest son Anton on the cruiser "Berlin". In 1927 he went on a three-month painting trip to Norway , during which he created, for example, murals in the tourist hotel in Norheimsund . In the same year he also designed the title page for the Beethovenfest festival book and cover images for traveling books for the Helingschen Verlagsanstalt Leipzig . Designs for carnival floats (Prinzenwagen and Bonna-Wagen) were made in 1935, murals with old Bonn motifs in the "Stadtkrug" and murals with views of old Bonn in the restaurant "Em Höttche" on Bonn's market square from the following year .

Of Nonn's three sons, only Anton, born in 1903, survived the Second World War. The second son Carlo (* 1910) fell in 1940, the third son Otto (* 1917) in 1943.

Nonn himself was evacuated to Gehlberg in Thuringia in 1944 . During his absence, around 80 pictures were stolen from the studio house and his house was destroyed. After returning to Bonn in 1945, he devoted himself to rebuilding until his death in 1949.

Burial place and honors

Carl Nonn's grave slab in the Biesing / Nonn family grave
Memorial plaque on the Atelierhaus Niebuhrstrasse

Nonn was first buried in Bonn's north cemetery. His grave is now in the old cemetery .

In 1951 Bonn's "Nonnstrasse" was named after him.

In 1976 a memorial plaque was attached to his studio house in Niebuhrstrasse.


  • Josef Niesen : Bonn Personal Lexicon. 3rd, improved and enlarged edition. Bouvier, Bonn 2011, ISBN 978-3-416-03352-7 .
  • Conrad-Peter Joist: landscape painter in the Eifel. Carl Nonn (1876-1949) . In: Conrad-Peter Joist (Hrsg.): Landscape painter of the Eifel in the 20th century . EIFELVEREIN Verlag , Düren 1997, ISBN 3-921805-12-0 , p. 43–52 (originally published in the Eifeljahrbuch 1994).
  • Nonn, Karl . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 3 : K-P . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1956, p. 490 .
  • Obituary for Karl Nonn . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein (Hrsg.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter . tape 6 , 1952 ( table of contents ).

Web links

Commons : Carl Nonn  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gotthard Werner: The Bonn cemeteries . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein (Hrsg.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter . tape 14 , 1960, p. 116–158 , here p. 150 .
  2. Nonnstraße in Bonner Straße cadastral
  3. Joist 1997, p. 51