Carlo Chenis

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Carlo Chenis SDB (born April 20, 1954 in Turin , † March 19, 2010 in Rome ) was an Italian religious priest and bishop of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia .


After joining the religious order of the Salesians of Don Bosco , he made his first profession on September 8, 1971 in Cuorgnè and studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Salesians in Rome . He was ordained a priest on May 26, 1984 in Cuorgnè . In 1989 he received his doctorate in art studies from the Università degli Studi di Torino .

He was then a professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of the Salesians in Rome. In this function he taught formal logic , epistemology , philosophy of language and aesthetics, among other things . In addition, he performed various functions in the university's academic self-administration and was a. a. Faculty Secretary and Economist as well as member of the Board of Directors and the Senate . Furthermore, from 1985 he was university chaplain and ceremony and from 1986 coordinator of the student secretariat.

In May 1995 he was appointed a member of the Preparatory Commission for Art and Culture for the Holy Year 2000 and became its coordinator in 1997. In July 1995, Pope John Paul II also appointed him secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Church's Cultural Property . In September 1996, Chenis also became a member of the Pontifical Commission for Christian Archeology .

On December 21, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . as bishop of the diocese of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia . The episcopal ordination gives him Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone SDB on 10 February 2007 in the Roman church of San Giovanni Bosco ; Co- consecrators were Curia Bishop Mauro Piacenza and Bishop Girolamo Grillo . The solemn inauguration ( enthronement ) in the Cathedral of San Francesco d'Assisi in Civitavecchia took place on February 24 of the same year.

His episcopal motto was: Intellectus et fides in caritate .

Chenis died on March 19, 2010, at the age of 55, of pancreatic cancer in the Gemelli Clinic in Rome.


  • Carlo Chenis e Angelo Casciello Visioni del sacro , Opere 1973–2001, San Gabriele 2001
  • Percorsi artistici 2000 , in Annali Fondazione Staurós Italiana Onlus III, San Gabriele 2001
  • Festa dell'Artista. Giubileo degli Artisti , San Gabriele 2000
  • Cento Artisti rispondono al Papa. Commento in opere e parole alla Lettera del Papa Giovanni Paolo II agli Artisti , San Gabriele 2000
  • Il turismo religioso e il grande Giubileo del 2000 , Florence 1999
  • L'iconografia , San Gabriele 1999
  • I beni culturali tra stato e regioni - Tra centro e periferia , Pisa 1988
  • Ragioni concettuali e valenze linguistiche dell'arte contemporanea - Un tentativo di diagnosi e di terapia , San Gabriele 1996
  • Fondamenti teorici dell'arte sacra, Magistero post-conciliare Rome 1990

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Civitavecchia-Tarquinia (Italia) e nomina del successore , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of December 21, 2006.
predecessor Office successor
Girolamo Grillo Bishop of Civitavecchia-Tarquinia
Luigi Marrucci