Carol Brown Janeway

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Carol Janet Brown Janeway (born February 1, 1944 in Edinburgh ; died August 3, 2015 in New York City ) was a British translator and editor.


Carol Brown grew up in Edinburgh as the daughter of a clerk and a librarian in an educated middle class family. She studied languages ​​at Girton College , Cambridge and then worked for a literary agent in London.

Brown married the US stockbroker William H. Janeway in 1969 and moved to New York. For Publisher Alfred A. Knopf she took Robert Gottlieb . There she became a literary agent for the international market and began translating literary texts into English. She specialized in contemporary German literature. It took her seven and a half years to translate The Man without Qualities .

Among the authors she edited at Knopf and later Random House were Heinrich Böll , José Donoso , George MacDonald Fraser , Imre Kertész , Ivan Klima , Thomas Mann , Yukio Mishima , Elsa Morante , Robert Musil and Patrick Süskind .

She received the Friedrich Ulfers Prize in 2013 and the Ottaway Award for the Promotion of International Literature from the British literary magazine Words Without Borders in 2014 .

Translations (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Knopf was unable to find a translator for the Hungarian original. See the interview by Hannes Stein, 2013