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Type: Earth observation satellite
Country: IndiaIndia India
Operator: ISRO
COSPAR-ID : 2010-035A
Mission dates
Dimensions: 694 kg
Begin: July 12, 2010, 03:52 UTC
Starting place: Satish Dhawan Space Center
Launcher: PSLV C15
Status: active
Orbit data
Track height: 637 km
Orbit inclination : 98.1 °

Cartosat-2B is an Indian earth observation satellite from the Indian Remote Sensing series.


Cartosat-2B serves to supplement the technically very similar Cartosat-2 and Cartosat-2A and is intended to be used for the creation of large-scale maps and to continue to support urban and infrastructure planning. The launch took place on July 12, 2010 at 05:52 CEST with the PSLV C15 rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Center , although the PSLV was not equipped with boosters at this launch . The satellite was launched after 1034 seconds at an altitude of around 637 kilometers above the earth's surface in a circular sun-synchronous orbit with an orbit inclination of around 98.1 °. Then the Algerian earth observation satellite Alsat-2A , which weighs 116 kg, was also disconnected and finally the three nano and pico satellites Studsat from India, AISSat-1 from Norway and TIsat-1 from Switzerland were also deployed .

Studsat is a 10 × 10 × 13.5 cm, 650 g heavy cube that was built by students from seven universities in the Indian cities of Bangalore and Hyderabad and carries a CMOS camera with a resolution of 90 meters. A special ground station called NASTRAC was set up for communication with the satellite. NASTRAC stands for Nitte Amateur Satellite Tracking Center , accordingly the station is housed in the Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology. The expected lifespan is six months.

AISSat-1 weighs 6.5 kg and was built by the University of Toronto's Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) for the Norwegian defense research facility FFI (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt). It will be used to test whether a receiver stationed in space for the AIS signals to be broadcast by ships with more than 300 gross tons can improve the control of shipping traffic in the far north. The service life of the satellite is given as three years. The total cost of the project is estimated at around 30 million Norwegian kroner, which translates to around 3.7 million euros . On June 1, 2010, another Norwegian AIS test payload went into operation in space. The Norwegian AIS receiver (NORAIS) is housed in the European Columbus module of the international space station , and an associated antenna system is mounted on the outside of Columbus.

TIsat-1 is a picosatellite used for student education at the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) in southern Switzerland and an amateur radio satellite . It is used for materials science and technology testing and is intended, among other things, to determine the time that passes before thin metal wires and connections on circuit boards exposed to space conditions show interruptions. The cube-shaped satellite has a mass of around one kilogram and an edge length of around 10 centimeters. It also emits radio of gemorste call sign from as identification HB9DE.

Technical specifications

Cartosat-2B is equipped with a panchromatic camera that delivers images in the spectral range from 500 to 850 nanometers , with a swath width of 9.6 to 290 km and a resolution of around 0.8 m. The three-axis stabilized satellite can take pictures up to ± 26 ° outside the orbit plane and thus record a given area stereoscopically and more often than with a purely vertical viewing direction. The data is stored on a 64 GB solid state disk and transmitted to earth at a data rate of 105 Mbps. The power supply takes place the satellite solar cells by two boom which can generate an electric power of 930 watts. The satellite is equipped with two nickel-cadmium batteries with a capacity of 18 ampere-hours each to store the electrical energy . For stabilization and orbit correction, it is equipped with star sensors and gyros , reaction wheels , magnetic torquers and hydrazine engines. It is controlled and monitored by India's ISTRAC , with ground stations in Bangalore , Lucknow and Mauritius , in Biak in Indonesia , in Tromsø and on Spitzbergen in Norway as well as in the Troll research station in Antarctica . The planned lifespan of the satellite is five years.

  • Takeoff weight: 694 kg
  • Track height: 637 km
  • Inclination : 98.1 °
  • Energy supply: solar cells with 930 W power + 2 * 18 Ah NiCd batteries
  • Camera resolution: CCD - line with 1 * 12000 pixels

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b PSLV-C15 brings five satellites into space., July 12, 2010, accessed July 13, 2010 .