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Chambezi, Tschambesi
The Chambeshi in the Luvua river system (center right)

The Chambeshi in the Luvua river system (center right)

location ZambiaZambia Zambia
River system Congo
Drain over Luapula  → Luvua  → Congo  → Atlantic
source About 50 km southeast of Lake Tanganyika,
9 ° 5 ′ 50 ″  S , 21 ° 31 ′ 15 ″  E
Source height about  1600  m
muzzle In the Bangweulus swamps in the Luapula coordinates: 11 ° 53 ′ 0 ″  S , 29 ° 48 ′ 0 ″  E 11 ° 53 ′ 0 ″  S , 29 ° 48 ′ 0 ″  E
Mouth height 1164  m
Height difference about 436 m
Bottom slope about 0.87 ‰
length 500 km
Catchment area 44,427 km²
Discharge at the Chambeshi Pontoon
A Eo gauge: 34,745 km²
MNQ 1963-1992
MQ 1963-1992
Mq 1963-1992
MHQ 1963-1992
33 m³ / s
40 m³ / s
185 m³ / s
5.3 l / (s km²)
471 m³ / s
582 m³ / s
Left tributaries Karungu, Luwu, Mansya ,
Right tributaries Lukulu , Luansenshi
The Chambeshi with the Bangweul Marshes

The Chambeshi with the Bangweul Marshes

The Chambeshi (also Chambezi or Tschambesi ) is the source river of the Luapula and belongs to the African river system of the Congo .

Course description

It rises in the mountains of northern Zambia not far from the border with Tanzania in the extreme southeast of the Congo catchment area. Its sources are located at an altitude of about 1,600 m above sea ​​level, about 50 km southeast of Lake Tanganyika . The river has a flow path of about 500 km until it meets the Bangweulus swamps, which it flows through in a south-westerly direction. The exact route through the swamps is variable. Some branches of the river flow towards Lake Bangweulus , while others keep the same direction. When leaving the marshes, it joins the Luapula coming from the north from the Bangweulusee, of which it is the most important tributary and which continues to flow as Luvua after crossing the Mweru Lake .

A pontoon bridge spans the river west of Isoka town .


The flow rate of the Chambeshi was measured in m³ / s at the Chambeshi Pontoon gauge, at about 3/4 of the catchment area.

River history

The assumed maximum extent of the Paleo- Makgadikgadisees in the early Pleistocene and the course of the rivers in the early to middle Cenozoic.

The current course of the Chambeshi became the drainage route of the river very late in geological terms. For almost the entire Cenozoic era , the river, which today belongs to the Congo catchment area, was a tributary of the Kafue and flowed over the Kafubu . The Kafue for its part also emptied at another point, namely over the Machili into the Zambezi, or the Makgadikgadisee . Thus the Chambeshi was part of the Limpopo catchment before the uplift of the Ovambo-Kalahari-Zimbabwe Fault (OKZ) in the Middle Cenozoic .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Google Earth
  2. Soviet General Staff Map , accessed via
  3. Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA)
  4. JICA publication page 1
  5. a b JICA publication, page 18
  6. ^ Brian Leith (Director): Congo , TV documentary on British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) , London, 2001.
  7. ^ The evolution and ages of Makgadikgadi paleo-lakes: consilient evidence from Kalahari drainage evolution south-central Africa
  8. ^ The Zambezi River - Andy E. Moore, Fenton PD (Woody) Cotterill, Mike PL Main and Hugh B. Williams