Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc

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Portrait of Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc, Hyacinthe Rigaud , 1731, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester (New York)

Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc (born November 15, 1655 in Le Luc , † March 13, 1746 in Paris ) was a French prelate ; he was Archbishop of Paris from 1729 to 1746 and in this capacity the 3rd Duc de Saint-Cloud.


Charles Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc was the youngest son of François de Vintimille, Seigneur du Luc, and Anne de Forbin. His father was Maréchal de camp of the Royal Army, First Consul of Aix-en-Provence and Viguier of Marseille . His uncle was Jean de Vintimille du Luc , Bishop of Toulon († 1682), who made him canon at his cathedral. His brother was the diplomat and military officer Charles-François de Vintimille , comte du Luc (1653-1740)

He graduated from the Paris Faculty with a degree in theology . On January 21, 1692 he became Bishop of Marseille , on May 14, 1708 then Archbishop of Aix . In 1718 he was prior in Flassans-sur-Issole , Saint-Pierre and Sainte-Catherine du Luc, and Commendatabab of Saint-Denis de Reims . In 1721 he became Abbot of Belleperche , in 1723 Dom d ' Aubrac . On May 10, 1729 he was appointed Archbishop of Paris , on August 17, 1729 he took over the office.

As Archbishop of Paris he led the dispute with the Jansenists , whose nouvelles ecclésiastiques he condemned in 1732. Despite his official hostility to supporters of Port Royal des Champs , he entrusted the editing of his new breviary and missal to liturgists with obvious Jansenist sympathies.


  • Olivier Andurand, La Grande affaire. Les évêques de France face à l'Unigenitus , Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017, ISBN 978-2-7535-5390-3 ,
  • Louis-Auguste Clavel, Histoire chrétienne des diocèses de France, de Belgique, de Savoie et des bords du Rhin , Paris, 1855 ( online )
  • Monique Cottret, Valérie Guitienne-Murger (ed.): Les Nouvelles ecclésiastiques. Une aventure de presse clandestine au siècle des Lumières (1713–1803) , Paris, Beauchesne, 2016, ISBN 978-2-7010-2166-9
  • Christophe Levantal (ed.): Ducs et pairs et duchés-pairies laïques à l'époque modern: (1519–1790) , Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris, 1996


  1. ^ Levantal, p. 905
  2. Clavel
  3. Cottret / Guitienne-Murger, pp. 131–159 and 161–179
  4. Andurand, pp. 205-209 and 231-233
predecessor Office successor
Louis-Antoine de Noailles Archbishop of Paris
Jacques Bonne Gigault de Bellefonds
Daniel de Cosnac Archbishop of Aix
Jean-Baptiste de Brancas
Jean-Baptiste d'Étampes Bishop of Marseille
Bernard de Poudenx