Charles Okun

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Charles Okun (born September 8, 1924 in New York City , New York , † July 3, 2005 in Florida ) was an American film producer and assistant director .


Okun was after graduating from New York University worked briefly as a teacher in the 1950s. He took his first steps in the film industry as an electrician, where he worked, among other things, in the production of commercials . It wasn't until the 1970s that his career took off. He worked as an assistant director with Otto Preminger , Michael Winner , Jonathan Demme and Sidney Lumet, among others . After two films as assistant director under Michael Cimino , including the multi -Oscar - winning anti - war film The Going Through Hell , Okun was one of three executive producers of Cimino's Western Heaven’s Gate . Between 1985 and 2003 Okun worked on the production of nine films by Lawrence Kasdans , including the drama The Travels of Mr. Leary , which was nominated for four Academy Awards .

Okun died of complications from cancer. He left two daughters.

Filmography (selection)

Assistant director



  • 1979: DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures for Going Through Hell
  • 1989: Oscar nomination for Best Picture for The Journeys of Mr. Leary

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