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Chimmi ( Japanese 珍味 , dt. Delicacy ) are specialties of the kitchen in Japan , which are served as a snack ( 酒肴 , sakesakana ) with sake . Mostly they are based on fish or seafood and often play out their high content of natural flavor enhancers in connection with sake. Many of the chimmi are made in certain regions.

The three greatest delicacies of Japan (日本 三大 珍味, Nippon sandai chimmi ) are Uni (salted and pickled sea ​​urchins - gonads ), Karasumi (dried mullets - roe ) and Konowata ( sea ​​cucumber innards).

List of Chimmi

Hokkaido region

  • Hizunamasu - sweet and sour cartilage from salmon head
  • Ikanankotsu -gekochte cartilage of squid
  • Kankai - dried Komai -Fisch or saffron cod ( Eleginus gracilis ). It can be eaten alone, fried, or in a sauce of mayonnaise , soy sauce and a pinch of red pepper.
  • Kirikomi - Chopped fish and its offal fermented with salt
  • Matsumaezuke
  • Mefun - Pickled kidney from salmon
  • Saketoba - a smoked salmon
  • Tachikama
  • Uni - sea urchin gonades

Tōhoku region

  • Awabi no Kimo - Ground innards of Awabi ( abalone shells)
  • Dompiko - salmon heart. Since every fish only has one, it is rare.
  • Momijizuke - Schnitzel made from fresh salmon and salmon roe ( Ikura ; are pickled together).
  • Tomburi - Akita Prefectural Specialty . Dried seeds of the hosagi ( summer cypress , Kochia scoparia schrad. )

region Kantō

region Chūbu

Kinki region

Chūgoku region

Shikoku region

Kyushu region


  • Tofuyo - Red fermented tofu . Similar to Chinese fermented tofu.
  • Umibudo ( 海 ぶ ど う , Caulerpa lentillifera ) - A type of green algae with edible grape-shaped "fruits" that hang from the shoots.