Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association

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The Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association V. is an association of choirs and choir associations in Rhineland-Palatinate . As a regional association, it was a member of the German Choir Association until December 31, 2017 .


According to the 2019 inventory, the association has around 1,300 choirs with around 90,000 members in Rhineland-Palatinate (excluding the Palatinate region). About 34,000 singers actively sing. They are supported by around 56,000 sponsoring members in the choir associations.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association V. belong to 25 legally independent district choir associations, which in turn form 5 regions as dependent subdivisions of the Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association:

  • Region 1: Altenkirchen, Rhein-Lahn, Unterlahn and Westerwald
  • Region 2: Ahrweiler, Koblenz, Mayen, Rhine-Mosel and Neuwied
  • Region 3: Bad Kreuznach, Birkenfeld, Cochem, Hunsrück, Middle Rhine and Zell
  • Region 4: Bernkastel-Wittlich, Bitburg-Prüm, Vulkaneifel Daun, Trier-Stadt and Trier-Saarburg
  • Region 5: Alzey, Bingen, Mainz, Oppenheim and Worms


The choir association was founded in Koblenz in 1948 . Since 2005 it has been called the Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association . In 2019 the choir association celebrated its 70th anniversary.

tasks and goals

  • Preservation and promotion of choral singing as a collective cultural task
  • Promotion of the understanding of all areas of art in the broadest possible strata of the population and promotion of musical education in children's and youth choirs as a complementary measure to music education in schools
  • Support and advice on organizational and economic issues
  • Education and training of choir directors
  • Education and training of singers
  • Basic and advanced training for educators
  • Education and training in the area of ​​club management

Activities and facilities

  1. Training and advanced training seminars for singers
  2. Training and advanced training seminars for choir directors and vice choir directors
  3. Further education / training in the area of ​​club and association management
  4. Further training measures for educators
  5. Financial support for the member associations' own initiatives (e.g. choir coaching)
  6. Own brand "CANDORO" for events and music productions
  7. Performance singing in different qualification levels with the titles "Performance Choir", "Concert Choir" and "Master Choir" of the Rhineland-Palatinate Choir Association
  8. Entertainment from national association ensembles (currently “JAZZconVoice” and “Sunday Choir”) to give impulses to the base
  9. Honors

Association management, committees

The association management is divided into an executive committee and an overall committee. This is supported in musical terms by the music committee , which u. a. Association choir leaders and the regional choir leaders of the five regions.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. regions. In: cv-rlp.de. Retrieved August 18, 2019 .
  3. ^ History ( Memento from January 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. That's us! Website of the Chorverband Rheinland-Pfalz e. V., accessed on January 28, 2020 .