Christel Neusüß

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Christel Neusüß (born May 12, 1937 - April 2, 1988 ) was a political economist . From 1974 she was professor for political economics at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences .

Scientific achievements

Neusüß ' essay on the illusion of the welfare state , written in 1970 together with Rudolf Wolfgang Müller , gave the impetus for the debate on the derivation of the state in the 1970s. In addition to the theory of the derivation of the state, which was based on Karl Marx , she dealt with impoverishment in the Third World and feminism . Her study on Rosa Luxemburg was published in 1985 . For Neusüß, Luxembourg's view of society is that of a woman. Regardless of places where Luxembourg defected to the “men's faction”, Neusüß decides about them:

"What matters to her is written as if she had learned all the feminist literature on female productivity by heart and then attacked capitalism and ridiculed the Bolsheviks and the Social Democrats."
Grave of Christel Neusüß in the Heerstrasse cemetery in Berlin-Westend

Christel Neusüß died of cancer at the beginning of April 1988 at the age of almost 51. Her grave is in the state-owned cemetery Heerstraße in Berlin-Westend .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Rudolf Wolfgang Müller: The welfare state illusion and the contradiction between wage labor and capital. In: Socialist Politics . No. 6/7, June 1970, pp. 4-67.
  • Imperialism and world market movement of capital (1972), 2nd edition Verlag Politladen 1975, ISBN 3-920531-31-0
  • The head births of the labor movement or the comrade Luxemburg messes everything up (1985), Montage-Verlag, 1992, ISBN 3-980265-71-4 , ISBN 978-3-980265-71-3 ; New edition Kröner-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-520-12801-0
  • With my now feminist trained eye ...: Studies and pamphlets 1972-1987 , published by Hildegard Heise, University of Applied Sciences for Business, 1990


Web links

Commons : Christel Neusüß  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. C. Neusüß: Die Kopfgeburten der Arbeiterbewbewegung ... (1985), p. 232, quoted from Manfred Sohn: Marx, Luxembourg and the indispensability of feminism. A short reply to Evelin Wittich (4 pages pdf; 64 kB), in: UTOPIE Kreativ , H. 189/190 (July / August 2006), pp. 748–751.
  2. Martina Meier: An obituary for Christel Neusüss . In: Emancipation. The feminist newspaper for critical women . 14th vol., No. 5, 1988. pp. 22-23, here p. 22.