Christian August Lorentzen

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Self-portrait Lorentzen

Christian August Lorentzen (born August 10, 1749 in Sønderborg , † May 8, 1828 in Copenhagen ) was a Danish painter.


Lorentzen was the son of a watchmaker and studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen around 1771 . He was a student of Peder Als and Johan Mandelberg. In the period from 1779 to 1782 he went on study trips to the Netherlands, particularly to Antwerp , and to France, where he made copies of old masters in Paris . A trip to Norway is documented for 1792.

Lorentzen painted scenes from the wars between Denmark and England in the period from 1801 to 1814, beginning with the naval battle of Copenhagen . Then he turned to portraiture. In addition, he created landscapes and paintings with scenes from the works of the Danish poet Ludvig Holberg .

In 1803 he became a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Art, where he had a considerable influence on the next generation of Danish painters until his death. From 1809 to 1810 he was director of the academy. His numerous works hang in almost all Danish museums.

He was buried in the cemetery of the Garrison Church in Copenhagen.



Web links

Commons : Christian August Lorentzen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files