Christian Friedrich Schulze

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Christian Friedrich Schulze (* 1730 in Wildenhayn near Torgau ; † 1775 in Dresden ) was a German doctor and naturalist - "first in Wilna , then in Warsaw , finally in Dresden" (The Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania and the Electorate of Saxony were at that time (until 1763) under the reign of August III. ).


He “studied in Leipzig”, spent eight years of his life in Lithuania and was a member of the Leipzig Economic Society .

Work and aftermath

Schulze was a typical nature admirer of the 18th century who was still able to conduct research in several areas and laid the foundations for the specialized natural scientists who followed.

He published many special essays describing nature, but also some on interpretation and systematization.

The name Pechstein for a volcanic rock near Meissen is attributed to him.

At the meeting of the Dresden ISIS Society on February 3, 1881, senior teacher CA Wobst presented a manuscript from Schulze, praised it as the "oldest news" about the flora of Dresden and its surroundings and published it in the club journal under this title.

Schulze's archaeological contributions were also cited later.

Publications (selection)

  • Epistola de sicca corporum animalium conservatione. Leipzig 1751 (?)
  • Brief news of some special coincidences, both local and other diseases, which are usually noticed in the Kingdom of Pohlen, but especially in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Dresden 1754 ( 10254617 in VD 18. )
  • Kurtze contemplation of their petrified woods ... Dresden and Leipzig, 1754. Summary in: Hamburgisches Magazin , 1755, pp. 354–359,
  • Brief consideration of the herbal prints in the stone kingdom Dresden, 1754 Summary in: Hamburgisches Magazin , 1755, pp. 360–365
  • Some experiments, which have been made with different Saxon earth types on a Hoesian parabolic burning mirror. Dresden 1755 ( 10586733 in VD 18. )
  • Brief news of a large bone found near Schieritz, not far from Meissen. in: Hamburgisches Magazin , 1755, pp. 300–302
  • Brief physical examination of the earthquakes ... Dresden, 1756
  • According to the project: Magazines of the Enlightenment (Bielefeld) 3 articles signed with Schulze in the Hamburg magazine 1756 and 5 articles in the Hamburg magazine 1757
  • Random thoughts about the origin and use of the hard coal near Dresden. Dresden 1759 ( 10531637 in VD 18. )
  • Brief consideration of the lettuce-like stone hardening . In: New social narratives for lovers of natural science, household science, the art of medicine and morals . Volume 2, 1759, pp. 265-269
    • Reprinted in: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin. Volume 116, Leipzig 1780, p. 137 ff.
  • 9 with Schulze, 2 with Schultze, 11 with S. signed and probably still anonymous contributions in the Dresden magazine from 1759 to 1765 ( online Uni Göttingen ), z. B. Brief message from the so-called Petrefactenberge near Dresden. In: Dresdnisches Magazin , 1760, pp. 73–78 ( )
  • Contemplation of the petrified starfish and their parts. Warsaw / Dresden 1760 ( )
  • Presumed thoughts as to how far the moon could have an influence on our changes in weather . In: Neue Gesellschaftliche Erzählungen , Volume 4, 1762, pp. 65–68
  • Accidental thoughts about the use of coal and peat in the commercial distillery towns. Friedrichstadt 1764 ( 12341061 in VD 18. )
  • Samuel Kretzschmars, Doctor of Artzney Scholarship, and Churfürstl. Saxon. Ordered Hofmedici, also official and country physics, description of the Martyniæ Annvæ, Villosæ, which had been produced in Dreßden for a long time, together with a treatise in which the benefit is shown that the herbal doctrine brings to the art of medicine, and an appendix which explains the advantages one can get from one Herb garden, in the commercial trades, has to wait. Friedrichstadt 1764
  • News of the death pots and other heydnian antiquities found in various places in Saxony. Friedrichstadt 1767 ( 10202110 in VD 18. )
  • News of the Bohemian bitter water and its salts. Friedrichstadt 1767 ( 10586725 in VD 18. )
  • Brief consideration of the zinc-bearing minerals and the same noble products . In: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin , 1767, pp. 250–275
  • Presumptive thoughts about the origin of the mountains and flots, and the earths, stones and fossils in them. Compiled by Christian Friedrich Schulzen, Med. Baccal . In: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin , 1769, pp. 3-80
  • According to the project: Magazines of the Enlightenment (Bielefeld) 3 further articles signed with Schulze in the New Hamburg Magazine 1769
  • News of the Zschonengrunde, which is not far from Dresden, of the rarities of nature that exist in it. (with map and illustration) in: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin, 1770, pp. 3–75 (Schulze) ( digitized in the Google book search)
  • From the Radeberger mineral water. Dresden, 1770
  • News of the serpentine species at Zöblitz and other places in Saxony. Dresden, 1771
  • in the writings of the Leipzig Economic Society : From the Saxon Cochineal. 1771 and consideration of combustible materials ... 1777
  • News of various herbs in the Dresden area. in: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin, 1773, pp. 496-513
  • According to the project: Magazines of the Enlightenment (Bielefeld) in the New Hamburg Magazine 4 articles in 1771, 3 in 1772, 2 in 1774
  • Random thoughts about some of the causes that may influence the change in weather. in: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin, 1775, pp. 159–168


  • Extract from D. Johann Adam Külbel's treatise on the question: what is the real cause of the fertility of different earths. in: Hamburgisches Magazin, 1755, pp. 435–447 (from the French)
  • Extract from a letter ... of the different speeds of sound. Della diversa velocita del suono in Venezia 1746 in: Hamburgisches Magazin, 1756, pp. 476–485 (from the Italian (?), According to the project: Magazines of the Enlightenment (Bielefeld) )
  • Of the use which natural science brings to economics. From the Nouvelliste oeconomique et litteraire. in: Hamburgisches Magazin, 1756, pp. 531–550 (from the French, signed with S * *.)
  • Excerpt from a letter ... in which news is given of the usual grafting of children's leaves. In: Hamburgisches Magazin , 1757, pp. 99–107 (from the English)
  • Mr Bourgelat, General Manager of the Vieharzney School… in Lyon. Leipzig, 1766
  • News of a newly discovered Bleyerze. in: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin, 1767, pp. 336–348 (from the Latin, "Sendschreiben" from Petersburg to Paris)


  • Andreas Grote (Ed.): Macrocosmos in Microcosmo. The world in the room. On the history of collecting 1450 to 1800 (Berliner Schriften zur Museumskunde, Volume 10), Opladen, 1994, p. 711 ff
  • Manfred Barthel: The Dresden doctor and naturalist Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730–1775) - a pioneer of palaeobotany. in: Sächsische Heimatblätter 6, Dresden, 1976, p. 263 ff
  • Article about Schulze p. 863 in: Biographical-literary concise dictionary of the exact natural sciences. (Ed. Johann Christian Poggendorff ) Volume 2, Leipzig, 1863
  • Article about Schulze p. 534/535 in: Lexicon of the German writers who died between 1750 and 1800. (Ed. Johann Georg Meusel) Volume 12, Leipzig, 1812
  • Johann Traugott Müller: Introduction to economic and physical book studies and related sciences up to the most recent times. Leipzig, 1780–1784
  • Article about Schulze. In: Friedrich August Weiz (Ed.): The learned Saxony. Leipzig 1780, pp. 223/224
  • Johann Jacob Ferber: New contributions to the mineral history. Volume 1, Mietau , 1778

Web links

Footnotes and individual references

  1. Pharmacist (?) “As an Arzney scholar, stayed in Litthauen for a long time” in the preliminary report (page XXXIV) by Johann Daniel Titius of the translation by Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau : Treatise on the preservation of grain, and especially of wheat (“Traité de la conservation des grains ”) Leipzig, 1755
  2. ^ A b c d e Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Volume 12, p. 534 f, Leipzig, 1812
  3. ^ The learned Saxony. 1780, p. 223
  4. mentioned in thoughts about the improvement of the fields ... In: Dresdnisches Magazin , 1762, 2nd volume 4th St. p. 247
  5. mentioned in the preliminary report on the examination of combustible materials Dresden, 1777, his "last work"
  6. z. B. “... Dresden pharmacist Christian Friedrich Schulze on his publication“ A Brief Contemplation of Herbal Imprints ”from 1755, which from today's perspective made him a 'pioneer' of scientific palaeobotany." Senckenberg Society, accessed on August 3, 2013
  7. 37 writings lists Johann Samuel Schröter in his journal for the lovers of the stone kingdom and Konchyliologie. Volume 5, 1779, pp. 170–188 on: “The late Mr. Licenciat Schultze is one of those naturalists who died too early for natural history. His existing writings and treatises bear witness to his skill, and from him natural history has enjoyed true advantages. His writings deserve to be printed together, especially since several of them are beginning to become rare. As far as I have these I want to make known now, but ask patrons and friends of my efforts, if I should lose some of his writings, to provide me with it, because I admit that I myself deal with the thoughts of all of Herr Schulzen's time To publish Wercke. I tell his known writings as they fall into my hands ... "
  8. Countless mentions in the 5 volumes of the Catalogus bibliothecæ historico-naturalis Josephi Banks (1796–1800) ( online )
  9. “The Meißner occurrence is locus typicus for the term Pechstein. The first description comes from here: 'As far as I know, the types of stones have not been mentioned by any writer, so they are not particularly well known. On the bruche they resemble fine pitch, and already have something glassy about them. ' ... Schulze, CF (1759): Brief consideration of the lettuce-like stone hardening ... "from: Jan-Michael Lange, Nadine Janetschke, Martin Kaden, Marvin Preusse: Landscape development in the area around Dresden - sedimentation, volcanism and tectonics in the Cenozoic ( Excursion D on April 9, 2015). Pp. 31, 33, ( accessed online (PDF) on April 18, 2015); see also: Neues Hamburgisches Magazin. Volume 116, Leipzig 1780, p. 140
  10. ^ Christian Friedrich Schulze: Flora of Dresden and its surroundings. In: Carl Bley (Hrsg.): Meeting reports and treatises of the Natural Science Society Isis, Dresden e. V. (= meeting reports and treatises of the Natural Science Society Isis, Dresden e.V. Volume 1880/81). Burdach'sche Hofbuchhandlung, Dresden 1881, p. 62. ( digitized version http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ SZ% 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3D ~ PUR% 3D)
  11. František Pubička: Chronological history of Bohemia. Volume 3, Leipzig and Prague 1773, p. 482