Christian Peters (Councilor)

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Christian Peters (* 1711 in Wismar ; † January 10, 1755 in Lübeck ) was a lawyer and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Christian Peters was the son of the businessman Joachim Peters († 1718) in Wismar. Christian Peters studied from 1731 to 1734 at the University of Jena and received his doctorate after a trip to Vienna in 1736 at the University of Greifswald in Christian Nettelbladt Dr. jur. He first became a lawyer in Schwerin , later in Lübeck, where he was elected to the city council in 1749. As councilor and war commissioner, he made a contribution to the Lübeck city military , where he introduced numerous improvements. As envoy, he represented the city together with councilor Georg Wilhelm Detharding in missions in Hanover .


  • Dissertatio inauguralis iuridica de appellatione ad iudicium imperiale aulicum; Programma ad disputationem inauguralem de appellatione ad iudicium Imp. Aulicum , Greifswald [1736] (dissertation)


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ In 1747 the dispute over the Möllner Pertinenzien and the exclaves in Lauenburg was settled in a settlement with the Electorate of Hanover . The implementation of the comparison dragged on until 1759.