Christian Rickens

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Christian Rickens (born February 26, 1971 ) is a German journalist and writer .


Rickens grew up in Brunsbüttel and Wunstorf . He studied journalism and economics at the Munich Ludwig Maximilians University and the London School of Economics with an MSc ; He also trained as an editor at the German School of Journalism in Munich . He then worked for three years as a freelance business journalist a . a. works for brand eins , Die Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung . In 2000 he became editor at manager magazin . From December 2011 he headed Spiegel Online's economic department . Since November 2015 he has been head of the Agenda department at Handelsblatt .

In addition to his journalistic work, Rickens is the author of Die neue Spießer: From the fatal yearning for an outdated society (2006), Links! Comeback of a lifestyle (2008), as well as from the very top: How Germany's millionaires really live (2011). He is also the editor of the book The Lightbulb Complot: The Most Spectacular Conspiracy Theories and What's True to Them (2014).



Web links


  1. Christian Rickens & Wolfgang Uchatius : The last Morse code has long been sent . In: mare . December 1998 / January 1999.
  2. Sophia Seiderer: Completely normal sailors, only in a larger boat. The journalist Christian Rickens has written a book about Germany's millionaires . In: Welt Online , April 26, 2011.
  3. : kressköpf: Christian Rickens
  4. ↑ Brief portrait ( Memento from December 12, 2011 in the Internet Archive )