Christian Schäli

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Christian Schäli (* 30th July 1974 ) is a Swiss politician ( CSP OW ) and since July 1, 2018 Government of the Canton of Obwalden , in the Official year 2020/2021 he is the bailiff of the canton.

Schäli attended primary school in Willisau and the Obwalden canton school in Sarnen . He completed his law studies at the University of Bern with a licentiate in law (lic. Iur.) And he is admitted to the bar of the canton of Obwalden. He worked as a lawyer for the Nidwalden compensation office.

Schäli has been a member of the Obwalden Cantonal Council since 2015 . On April 8, 2018, he was elected to the cantonal government in the second ballot , where he was able to place himself clearly ahead of his two competitors (5487 and 5458) with 6974 votes and thus achieved one of the two seats to be awarded in the second ballot . He took up this post on July 1, 2018 and took over the education and culture department.

Schäli lives in Kerns , is married and has 3 children.

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ General renewal elections 2018 - government council elections 2nd ballot , on the website of the canton of Obwalden, accessed on April 8, 2018