Christine Laszar

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From left to right: Frank Beyer , Christel Bodenstein , Christine Laszar, Konstantin Simonow and Günter Witt at the 14th  Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 1964

Christine Laszar , née Laszarus, (born December 19, 1931 in Ortelsburg ) is a German actress .


Laszar graduated from the West Berlin Max Reinhardt School for Drama and began her theater career at the Renaissance Theater . She performed at the cabaret The Porcupines and at the Munich Schaubude . In the GDR she made a guest appearance at the Volksbühne Berlin .

At the “Theater der Zeit” in Munich's Goethesaal, Laszar played the general lover Fressy in Rolf Honold's play Geschwader Fledermaus, directed against the Indochina War . Director Erich Engel gave her the same role, as well as the female lead in his DEFA film of the same name .

She then got a permanent position at DEFA, moved to the GDR in 1958 and married Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler (the marriage was divorced after a short time). In crime films and political thrillers, she embodied cool, intelligent women. Initially seen in sympathetic roles, she has been regularly cast as a dangerous criminal since 1963.

In 1966, Wolfgang Carlé commented in the book Actors from Theater, Film and Television : "Let's hope that we will soon see Christine Laszar in a role that opens up new variants of her skills."

Laszar, meanwhile city councilor of Teltow , made guest appearances at the Volksbühne and appeared in television series. At the beginning of the 1970s she became a television editor for German television broadcasting , among other things she did artist portraits. After falling ill, she withdrew into private life in the 1980s.

Her first marriage was to the actor and director Rudolf Schündler . Their daughter Katrin became editor and presenter at the DFF.



Web links

Commons : Christine Laszar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [Personal details:] Christine Laszar . In: Der Spiegel . No. 42 , 1959, pp. 66 ( Online - Oct. 14, 1959 ).
  2. Family matters: Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler . In: Der Spiegel . No. 2 , 1959, p. 49 ( online - January 7, 1959 ).
  3. Bernd-Rainer Barth:  Schnitzler, Karl-Eduard von . In: Who was who in the GDR? 5th edition. Volume 2. Ch. Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .