shield and sword

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German title Shield and sword, title of the episodes:
1. Without the right to yourself,
2. Order is: persevere!
3. No appeal,
4. In the last hour
Original title Щит и меч (Schtschit i Metsch)
Country of production Soviet Union , Poland , German Democratic Republic
original language Russian
Publishing year 1968
length 344 minutes
Director Vladimir Basov
script Wladmir Bassow, Vadim Koschewnikow
production Mosfilm
music Mark Naumowitsch Bernes , title melody With What Home Begins , played by the Russian State Film Orchestra
camera Timofei Lebeschew

Schild und Schwert ( Russian Щит и меч , German transcription Schtschit i metsch ) is a Soviet - Polish - East German feature film from 1968 in four parts, which takes place during World War II among Soviet scouts who were smuggled into the German defenses . It is based on the novel of the same name by Wadim Koschewnikow , which was published in German in 1969 in the GDR under the title Im Labyrinth der Abwehr as part of the series Excitingly told . The film was u. a. filmed in Lithuania , Kaliningrad , Dresden and Berlin . It was first broadcast in Germany on June 27, 1969 on DFF 1 .

Further technical data


The Soviet scout Alexander Below entered the German Reich in 1940 from Riga under the legend Johann Weiss . His German friend Heinrich Schwarzkopf helps him with this. After joining the Wehrmacht , they succeeded in penetrating the leadership circles of the Abwehr and becoming members of the SD by 1944 . This gives them important information for the warfare of the Soviet Union in 1944.



The film is edited in Russian on DVD . It is currently not known whether and where the German dubbed version was archived. Contrary to previous assumptions, it is not recorded in the Potsdam radio archive.

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