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Municipality Herzebrock
Coordinates: 51 ° 54 ′ 8 ″  N , 8 ° 11 ′ 35 ″  E
Height : 68 m
Area : 33.16 km²
Residents : 6088  (Dec. 31, 2012)
Population density : 184 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 33442
Area code : 05245
Location of Clarholz in Herzebrock-Clarholz

Clarholz is a district of the municipality of Herzebrock-Clarholz in the Gütersloh district , North Rhine-Westphalia .


Clarholz was first mentioned around 1082 in the older Herzebrocker Heberolle as "Cleholta" (wood / forest on bran soil). In 1133 a double monastery of the Premonstratensian order was established here and in the south-western neighboring town of Lette . After the secularization of the monastery (1803) and the abolition of the rule of Rheda (1808), Clarholz and Lette formed a mairie in the canton of Rheda , and from 1816 an office in the Prussian district of Wiedenbrück . This was combined in 1851 with the office Herzebrock to the office Herzebrock-Clarholz .

Until December 31, 1969, Clarholz was an independent municipality in the office of Herzebrock (until 1919: Herzebrock-Clarholz). This was dissolved under the Bielefeld Act on January 1, 1970, and Clarholz was assigned to Herzebrock . On April 26, 1985, the combined community was renamed Herzebrock-Clarholz .


Parish Church of St. Laurentius Clarholz

Parish Church of St. Laurentius in Clarholz

A basilica originally attached to the mighty Romanesque west block with a few round arches and slits, of which the apses of the side aisles are still present. In the 14th century , the Romanesque church was converted into a Gothic hall church and expanded to include a new choir. The late Gothic crucifixion group made of Baumberger sandstone is remarkable on the exterior. In the interior, the vault paintings should be mentioned, from which the division into the monastery and parish church can still be read. While the vaults in the nave, which is reserved for the community, are relatively simple, the choir and transept, which were used exclusively by the Premonstratensian convent, are richly painted. Particularly noteworthy is the animal symbolism in the south transept.

Clarholz Premonstratensian Monastery

Provost office of the Clarholz monastery

The most important testimony to the monastic period is the building for the prophet , built by master builder Nikolaus Wurmstich from Lippstadt between 1705 and 1707 under the aegis of Provost Elbert von Kückelsheim . The brick building rises on a plastered sandstone floor. The sandstone reveals of the windows and the corner blocks contrast with the red of the bricks in the masonry. The three central window axes emerge like a risalit and are crowned by a triangular gable. A flight of stairs leads to the richly decorated portal to the building that documents the provost's baroque need for representation.

South of the parish church is the former convent house, which today serves as the parish center. The buildings of the farm yard and the tithe barn with documentation on the local history are also still preserved.

Clarholz church square

Half-timbered building - on the thick linden tree. In the foreground Gasthaus Rugge

In the area of ​​the church square there are still some older residential buildings, including the “Gasthaus Rugge”, a stately half-timbered building built in 1667 by Vogt Johann Niermann and the listed Gildemeister-Samson house. The latter is a brick building with a double flight of stairs, which was built in 1843 by the architect Conrad Niermann in simple classicist forms. The house belongs to the Clarholz monastery ensemble and is located directly on the B 64 (Wiedenbrück - Münster). Parts of the contemporary furnishings have been preserved. The "Wilbrand Room" is located in the Samson gallery - it is reminiscent of the Clarholz natural philosopher, botanist and medical doctor Johann Bernhard Wilbrand (1779–1846) - and the permanent exhibition of the group of artists, Group 13, as well as a gallery section for guest exhibitions.



The Clarholz stop is on the Münster – Rheda-Wiedenbrück railway line . The RB 67 stops here . The federal road 64 runs through the village parallel to the railway line .


  • Johannes Meier (Ed.): Clarholz and Lette in Past and Present 1133–1983, Heimatbuch, for the joint 850th anniversary celebration. Heimatverein Clarholz / Lette 1983.
  • Johannes Meier: The Clarholz monastery with the parish churches of Lette and Beelen. A spiritual art and landscape guide. Kunstverlag Josef Fink, 1st edition, Lindenberg 2005, ISBN 3-89870-235-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 110 .
  2. ^ Website of the city of Warburg: Group 13