Claus Otto Benedix from the ceiling

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Claus Otto Benedix from the ceiling (also: Klaus Otto Benedix from the ceiling ; and Claus Otto Benedict from the ceiling and Claus Otto Benedickt from the ceiling ; * around 1756 , † September 1841 in Hanover ) was a German lawyer , Drost , knight and Chief captain .


The ducal Lauenburg official had his official seat until 1791 in the Steinhorst office , from 1791 in Neuhaus / Elbe .

On October 7, 1799 purchased from the ceiling of the Baron Eckhardt of Eckhardtsstein the Good Preten in Amt Neuhaus on the Elbe in Lauenburg. On November 11th, 1840 von der Betten left the estate to his future heir, Chamber Councilor Carl Friedrich Claus von der Betten in Hanover.

From the ceiling at the time of was the Kingdom of Hanover as commander of the Guelph-Order has been excellent and died in September 1841 the residence of Hanover.

See also


Archival material

Archival materials by and about Klaus Otto Benedix von der Betten can be found, for example

  • as a file under the title Sale of the Preten estate in the Duchy of Lauenburg by Chief Captain Klaus Otto Benedix von derdecke zu Stade to Chamber Councilor Axel Friedrich Klaus von derdecke zu Hannover for the period 1840 in the Lower Saxony State Archives (Stade location) , archive signature NLA ST Rep . 70 No. 89 (old archive signature: Rep. 71 Stade No. 89 )

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : from the blankets (Claus Otto Benedix) , in ders .: The learned Hanover or lexicon of writers, learned businessmen and artists who have lived in and outside of the provinces belonging to the Kingdom of Hanover since the Reformation have and still live, compiled from the most credible writers , Volume 2, Bremen: Carl Schünemann, 1823, p. 679; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b c d Information about the Arcinsys Lower Saxony Bremen archive information system
  3. a b c Wilhelm von der Betten : Preten , in ders .: The family of the blankets. Shown in their different relationships , Hannover: Klindworth's Hofdruckerei, 1865, p. 294f .; here: p. 295; Digital copy from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  4. a b c d o. V .: Blankets, Claus Otto Benedickt from the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library in the version dated February 11, 2009, last accessed on November 28, 2019
  5. ^ A b New Nekrolog der Deutschen , Weimar: Voigt, 1843, p. 1365; and digital copies via the Bavarian State Library