Clelia Laviosa

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Clelia Laviosa (born August 30, 1928 in Rome ; died February 20, 1999 there ) was an Italian classical archaeologist and Etruscologist .


Clelia Laviosa was at the University of Rome lauriert and after 1954 Fellowship from the Scuola Archeologica Italiana in Athens . In 1958, she took the position of inspector at the Soprintendenza alle Antichità dell'Etruria in Florence . As early as the following year she became the head of the excavations in the Etruscan city ​​of Rusellae - a responsibility that she carried out until the mid-1970s. She received the libera docenza for Classical Archeology and Greek and Roman Art History in 1964, when she also became a full member of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici .

From 1969 until her appointment as Soprintendente alle Antichità della Liguria in 1973, she worked intermittently at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene. In 1975 she moved to Soprintendenza Piemonts , which she headed until 1979. During these years she was also a member of the executive board of the Istituto di studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici. Finally she took over the management of the Soprintendenza speciale at the Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico "Luigi Pigorini" . In 1983 she moved to the Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali , where she was employed as the central archaeological inspector. In 1987 she represented Italy in the Comité du patrimoine culturel of the Council of Europe . In 1992 she became the coordinator of the technical service for anthropology and paleopathology at the ministry.

In addition to their excavation in Rusellae Clelia Laviosa participated in the excavations Doro Levi , 1947-1976 Head of the Italian School of Archeology at Athens, in the Cretan Phaistos and Carian Iasos part. In 1972 she took over the excavation management independently in Iasos, which she held until 1984. Questions of Aegean archeology, in particular the relationship between Caria and Crete during the Bronze Age , were one of Clelia Laviosa's main research areas. On Iasos she wrote the extensive and dense article for the Enciclopdia dell'Arte Anticha . Prior to this, she had focused her research interests on questions of Etruscan art and culture. Here she carried out investigations in the Chiusin necropolis of Poggio Renzo, on the walls of the city and on the large tumulus of Poggio Gaiella. During this time she also organized the exhibition Scultura tardo-etrusca di Volterra in the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence in 1964 , which was shown the following year in the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels .


  • Luigi Donati: Necrologio di Clelia Laviosa. In: Studi Etruschi. Volume 64, 2001, pp. 559-560 ( online )

Web links


  1. Clelia Laviosa: Iasos. In: Enciclopdia dell'Arte Anticha. Secondo Supplemento, Volume 3, 1995, pp. 76-85 ( online ).