Clement Pig

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Clemens Pig (born July 6, 1974 in Innsbruck ) is an Austrian media manager . He is the chairman of the management board and executive board member of APA - Austria Presse Agentur eG . Before that, as co-founder and managing partner, he built MediaWatch - Institut für Medienanalysen GmbH into the Austrian market leader.


Pig attended the Franziskanergymnasium in Hall in Tirol , where he graduated in 1992. He then completed his diploma in political science at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck , which he completed in 2000 with a diploma thesis on the topic of "Media Positioning of Top Politicians". In 2012, Pig received his doctorate with his doctoral thesis "Political communication in the digitization and transformation process of the media in Austria and in international comparison".

While studying political science , Pig got involved in the research project "mediawatch", which analyzed the EU election campaign in 1996 in news broadcasts on ORF . The broadcast times for party leaders and top candidates were measured to the second and it was determined whether they were thematically or visually present or whether they were expressing themselves on election campaign issues. The results of this method of measuring political communication, which is new in Austria, were obtained from the media and parties who also expressed interest in further analyzes. Together with the university assistant Günther Pallaver and two fellow students, Pig founded the company MediaWatch - Institut für Medienanalysen GmbH as managing partner in the same year. Since July 1997, MediaWatch has been producing weekly analyzes for the daily newspaper Der Standard on the presence of politicians and on dominant topics in the main ORF news programs. Subsequently, the analyzes were also extended to print media and radio broadcasts. This made it possible for the first time on the Austrian market to offer comprehensive communication controlling based on scientific methods, which makes the effects of PR measures measurable. In the following years MediaWatch developed into the Austria-wide market leader in the field of quantitative and qualitative media analyzes.

In 2001, 75 percent of MediaWatch was acquired by APA - Austria Press Agency . In 2008, Pig moved from Innsbruck to the management of APA in Vienna and initially worked as head of marketing and sales as well as managing director of the subsidiary APA-DeFacto Database & Contentmanagement GmbH. In 2014 Pig was appointed managing director of the APA group . Pig also became a member of the Board of Directors of Keystone AG in Zurich and is a guest lecturer at the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck .

In 2016, Pig was appointed Chairman of the Management Board and Managing Director of the APA Group and President of the Board of Directors of Keystone AG . Pig is still a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the MediaWatch Institute. In the following months, Pig initiated a change process for the entire APA in order to develop it more towards a news tech agency. To this end, on the initiative of Pig, the APA-medialab, a unit for digital innovation specializing in trend monitoring and prototyping of new media and communication solutions, was launched, which started operations on January 1, 2017. Pig was instrumental in the development of cross-media solutions such as the Austria Kiosk, a digital newspaper stand, and the Austria Videoplattform, an exchange platform for editorial video content, both of which are operated by APA. In 2017, Pig also initiated APA's participation in the international start-up cluster "next media accelerator". From 2017 to 2019 he was a board member of EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies, and in 2018 a member of the Board of Directors of MINDS International, the global network of news agencies. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Association Council of the Austrian Cooperative Association (ÖGV) and since January 2019 President of Group 39 , the world's oldest association of independent news agencies. Under Pig's presidency, the dpa German press agency and the British news agency PA Media were accepted as new members of Group 39. With the merger of the Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (sda) with the Keystone picture agency, APA became the largest shareholder and strategic technology partner of the new company KEYSTONE-SDA-ATS AG in 2018 as a result of an exchange of shares and has since held a 30 percent stake. In the course of this, Clemens Pig was appointed to the board of directors of KEYSTONE-SDA-ATS AG and took over the function of vice president.

Research priorities

In his academic work, Pig deals on the one hand with the analysis of editorial election campaign reporting and illuminates various aspects such as personalization, confrontational negativity, depoliticization and de-thematization, journalism centering and journalistic interpretativity as well as dramatization and dynamization. On the other hand, he is dedicated to research on the factors influencing media change on the theory and practice of political communication and editorial policy communication. In doing so, he examines to what extent the political mobilization power of traditional mass media is subject to a process of change against the background of the ongoing gain in importance of online media and social networks , how the shift in reach and the associated competition for digital advertising revenues affect the function of the traditional mass media to create publicity for political discourse. In this context, Pig also examines the effect of diversification and digital disruption in the media landscape on the established concept of journalistic selection processes for political events and news and sheds light on how the effective concepts of agenda setting and framing are changing. Based on his empirical analyzes, he develops options for journalism and the practice of political public relations .


  • with Günther Pallaver (2003). Media-centric election campaign. Topics and candidates in election campaign coverage in 2002. In Plasser, Fritz and Peter A. Ulram (eds.). Voting behavior in motion. Analyzes of the 2002 National Council election, Vienna, 55–97.
  • with Günther Lengauer and Günther Pallaver (2004a). Editorial policy communication in the media democracy. In Plasser, Fritz (ed.). Political communication in Austria. A practical handbook, Vienna, 149–237.
  • with Hannes Vorhofer (2004b). Media and politics. In Karlhofer, Ferdinand and Anton Pelinka (eds.) (2004). Politics in Tyrol, Innsbruck, 277–309.
  • with Günther Lengauer and Günther Pallaver (2007). Editorial policy communication in Austrian election campaigns 1999–2006. In Plasser, Fritz and Peter A. Ulram (eds.). Alternation elections. Analyzes of the 2006 National Council election, Vienna, 103–155.
  • with Hannes Vorhofer and Iris Höller (2009a). The election campaign as reflected in media coverage. In Karlhofer, Ferdinand and Günther Pallaver (eds.). Politics in Tyrol. Yearbook 2009, Innsbruck, 43–65.
  • with Iris Höller and Hannes Vorhofer (2009b). The Tyrolean state election campaigns in the media. A content analysis of election campaign reporting in North and South Tyrol. In Hämmerle, Kathrin and Peter Plaikner (eds.). Tyrolean Yearbook for Politics 2008/2009, Vienna, 151–169.
  • Factors influencing media change on the theory and practice of political communication (2013). In Karlhofer, Ferdinand, Sven Jeschke and Günther Pallaver (eds.). Media-Centered Democracies: Findings, Trends, Perspectives, Vienna, 17–35.
  • A practitioner's view. The Good old Cooperative as an Innovation Model (2017). In Kaltenbrunner, Andy, Matthias Karmasin and Daniela Kraus (eds.). Journalism Report V. Innovation and Transition, Vienna, 162–170.
  • Hidden champions in the news business. Independent news agencies - engine for a free press and innovation platform for the media and communications industry (2019). In: Association of Independent News Agencies in Europe 1939–2019 (Festschrift), Vienna, 4–15.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Tiroler Tageszeitung" of October 12, 1996, TV election campaign in sight
  2. ^ "Kurier" of December 17, 1997, quartet on the road to success
  3. "Der Standard" from July 7, 1997, Unloved Presence: Bowl dominates ZiBs
  4. ^ "Der Standard" from June 11, 1999, High-Tech in the Information Jungle
  5. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  6. ^ "Der Standard" from May 18, 2001, APA takes over Mediawatch
  7. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  8. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Accessed on June 19, 2017.
  9. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  10. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  11. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  12. Transmission via APA-OTS original text service. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  13. CV of Dr. Clement Pig. Retrieved October 11, 2017 .
  14. ^ Minds International: MINDS Board. Retrieved April 25, 2018 .
  15. Dr. Clement Pig. Retrieved March 6, 2019 .
  16. 80 years of "Gruppe 39" - Association of independent news agencies expands membership. Retrieved October 28, 2019 .
  17. Salzburger Nachrichten: APA participation in Swiss news agency SDA fixed . ( [accessed on May 23, 2018]).
  18. ^ Pig, Clemens, Günther Lengauer and Günther Pallaver (2004a). Editorial policy communication in the media democracy. In Plasser, Fritz (ed.). Political communication in Austria. A practical handbook, Vienna, 149–237.
  19. Political communication in the digitization and transformation process of the media in Austria and in international comparison. New business models, editorial production logics and strategic future scenarios - options for media management, journalism and political PR. Dissertation, November 2012, University of Innsbruck
  20. ^ Website of the Public Relations Association Austria. Retrieved on June 19, 2017.
  21. APA managing director Clemens Pig is Austria's "Media Manager of the Year" (FOTO) . In: . ( [accessed November 7, 2018]).