Coenonympha rhodopensis

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Coenonympha rhodopensis
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Eye butterflies (Satyrinae)
Genre : Coenonympha
Type : Coenonympha rhodopensis
Scientific name
Coenonympha rhodopensis
Elwes , 1900

Coenonympha rhodopensis , also Rhodope hay butterfly , is a butterfly ( butterfly ) from the family of noble butterflies (Nymphalidae), which occurs in southern Europe.


Coenonympha rhodopensis looks similar to the great meadow bird ( Coenonympha tullia ). The upper side of the wing is yellow-brown, rarely darker in the male. The nucleus of the apical eye protrudes on the forewing, and sometimes one of the underside eyes on the hind wing. On the underside of the forewing, the light-colored post disk band is completely absent or is indicated in about a third of the moths. The small black apical eye has a white core and a yellow edge. On the underside of the hind wing in cells RM 1 , M 3 -Cu 1 and Cu 1 -Cu 2 there are small black, white pitheaded eye spots with a yellow border, some of which may be missing. In the post-disk region there is a light spot in cells M 1 -M 3 . In the italica form , all eye spots are always present on the underside of the hind wing and are of the same size.

Similar species


Coenonympha rhodopensis occurs in central Italy in the Central Apennines on the Monti Sibilline and on the Monte Terminillo and in northern Italy on the Monte Baldo . In the Balkans, the species can be found in western Croatia in Velebit , in the Vranica and Jahorina mountains in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Mokra and Hajia in Serbia and Macedonia . In Bulgaria it occurs in the Balkan Mountains (Stara Planina) and in the mountains Osogowo , Witoscha , Pirin , Rila , Slavyanka (in Greece Orvilos ) and in the Rhodope Mountains , there also in the Greek part. In northern Greece there are also deposits in the Voras , Varnour and Vrontous mountains and on Mount Falakro .

Way of life

The moths fly above the tree line on windy grassy areas and in damp clearings at 1400–2200 meters, according to other data from 1000–2500 meters above sea level.

Flight time

Coenonympha rhodopensis flies in one generation per year (univotile) from mid-June to late July.


Coenonympha rhodopensis was first described in 1837 by Henry John Elwes as Coenonympha tiphon var. Rhodopensis in The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London . Table 4 mentioned in the description was not printed. The type location is in the Rila Mountains in Bulgaria. Coenonympha tiphon is now a subspecies of Coenonympha tullia . Synonyms are occupata Rebel, 1903 and italica Verity, 1913.


  • Tom Tolman, Richard Lewington: Butterflies of Europe and Northwest Africa: All butterflies, over 400 species . 2nd Edition. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-440-12868-8 , pp. 308 .
  • The Palaearctic butterflies . In: Adalbert Seitz (ed.): The large butterflies of the earth . tape 1 . Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart 1909, p. 147 .
  • Elwes: On the Butterflies of Bulgaria . The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1900, p. 205 PDF

Individual evidence

  1. Elwes, p. 205
  2. Seitz, p. 147
  3. a b c d e Tolman, Lewington, p. 308
  4. - butterfly and their ecology - Coenonympha rhodopensis, Elwes 1900

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